Does Artemis have any relatives?

Does Artemis have any relatives?

FAMILY OF ARTEMIS She was a half-sister of many of the other Olympian gods including Athena, Ares, Hermes, Dionysos and Persephone.

Who is Artemis husband?


FATHER ZEUS King of the Gods, son of the Titanes Kronos and Rhea
MOTHER LETO Titanis of Motherhood, daughter of the Titanes Koios and Phoibe
HUSBAND None, she was a virgin goddess
DIVINE CHILDREN None, she was a virgin goddess

Who are Artemis parents?


What is Artemis family history?

According to Greek mythology, Artemis was the daughter of Leto and Zeus, and had a twin brother, Apollo. When Hera, Zeus’ wife, learned of Leto’s pregnancy, Hera sent a serpent monster, Python, to pursue Leto and chase her far away from Greece.

Who were Artemis’s siblings?

Parents Zeus and Leto
Siblings Apollo, Aeacus, Angelos, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Heracles, Hermes, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses, the Moirai
Roman equivalent Diana

Who accompanied Artemis?

(4) COMPANIONS – GODS & GODDESSES APOLLON Artemis’ twin brother was one of her closest companions. The pair are usually depicted together in scenes of the gods. ATHENA The goddess Athena was raised alongside Artemis, Persephone, and the maiden Okeanides.

Who are Artemis siblings?

Who are the siblings of Aphrodite?

If she was the daughter of Zeus, her brothers and sisters include Ares, Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, and other Olympian gods and goddesses.

Are Ares and Artemis siblings?

Ares is the Greek God of War. He is the son of Zeus and Hera, and half-brother to Athena. Ares was a difficult character and unpopular with the other Gods and Humans….

Relatives Zeus (Father) Hera (Mother) Apollo (Brother) Artemis (Sister) Athena (Sister) Hephaestus (Brother) Hermes (Brother)

Does Artemis have any children and who?

Artemis only has one sibling and that is her twin brother Apollo, god of sun, poetry, and music. Artemis swore to herself that she would never get married and stay a virgin. Artemis has no children and no other family members.

Who were Artemis ‘ parents?

Parents: Artemis was born as a daughter of Zeus, the Ruler of the Greek gods and the Titaness Leto on Mount Cynthus at the island of Delos in Greece. Siblings: Artemis had a twin brother, Apollo.

What are some relatives of Artemis?

The Family of Artemis According to Greek legends and myths the family of Artemis were as follows: Father: Zeus Mother: Leto Brothers: Apollo Artemis was unmarried

Who did Artemis have a child with?

Once, Artemis was tricked into having a child. Artemis had offended Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. She told Athena and Hera that they were not the true virgin goddess. After all, Athena had children, and Hera was the goddess of marriage.


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