What is the coronal section of the kidney?

What is the coronal section of the kidney?

To view the internal structures of the kidney, a coronal section can be applied. This type of cut will separate the front half of the structure from the back half. The inner area is called the medulla and is made of individual renal pyramids, which may not be distinct in small specimens.

What is the cross section of the kidney?

Kidney Cross Section Anatomy The kidneys lie in the retroperitoneal space on the posterior abdominal wall on either side of the T12-L3 vertebrae. The right kidney usually lies more inferior than the left kidney because of the presence of the liver on the right side.

What lies in front of the right kidney?

Anteriorly the right kidney is related to the Liver, duodenum and hepatic flexure of ascending colon. Anteriorly the left kidney is related to Stomach, Jejunum, Pancreas, Spleen and descending Colon.

What 3 layers surround each kidney?

The kidneys are made up by three external layers, which include the renal fascia (the outermost layer), the perirenal fat capsule, and lastly, the innermost layer, the renal capsule, which then surround the space of the renal cortex.

Which is the peripheral part of each kidney?

As noted previously, the structure of the kidney is divided into two principle regions—the peripheral rim of cortex and the central medulla. The two kidneys receive about 25 percent of cardiac output. They are protected in the retroperitoneal space by the renal fat pad and overlying ribs and muscle.

Is right kidney smaller than left?

Usually the right kidney is smaller than the left kidney. The difference between the two sides should be within 15 mm if the right kidney is the smaller kidney, and 10 mm if the left kidney is the smaller kidney.

What structure monitors blood pressure in the kidney?

The juxtaglomerular apparatus, which monitors blood pressure and secretes renin, is formed from modified cells in the afferent arteriole and the ascending limb of the nephron loop.

Where is micturition reflex center located?

The micturition reflex is a bladder-to-bladder contraction reflex for which the reflex center is located in the rostral pontine tegmentum (pontine micturition center: PMC). There are two afferent pathways from the bladder to the brain. One is the dorsal system and the other is the spinothalamic tract.

Is the right kidney higher than the left?

The right kidney is usually lower than the left kidney because of the location of the liver. The kidneys usually extend from the level of the Th12 to L3 vertebrae, and are slightly lower in females. The right kidney lies 1– 2cm lower than the left.



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