How do you write a source-based?

How do you write a source-based?

In the introduction you should briefly identify the main points of each source, without giving away your argument. Then, each paragraph (maybe 3 or 4) should centre on a theme (taken from the essay question) and the student should use all sources to compare and contrast how they do or do not support this theme.

What is the difference between research and source-based writing?

To help keep that difference in mind, this course will use “research” to refer to the goal-directed process of gathering information and building the answer to a research question, and “source-based writing” to refer to the many other types of information gathering and source-based writing one might do.

What does source base mean?

n. 1 the point or place from which something originates. a a spring that forms the starting point of a stream; headspring. b the area where the headwaters of a river rise.

What is research based writing?

Research writing = the process of sharing the answer to your research question along with the evidence on which your answer is based, the sources you used, and your own reasoning and explanation. …

How do you start a source based essay?


  1. Rephrase question in your own words.
  3. clearly convey your point of view.
  4. state counter-argument.
  5. Do not refer to any sources.

What is a source in an essay?

A source is the place where you gained information used in your writing. A source can be a printed document, an online document, a speech, a quote or even a television or radio program. A primary source is the original place in which the information can be found, or the first person to make that information available.

What is a source-based assessment?

A more generic term used to describe the integration of reading and listening materials in writing tasks is source-based writing, where students synthesize information from multiple sources while producing texts.

What are source-based questions?

There are a variety of source-based questions you will be asked to deal with, some ask you to analyze one source, some require you to compare one source to another, and some questions will ask you to consider a number of different sources in your analysis. All source-based questions demand that you reach a judgment.

What are types of writings?

The four main types of writing styles are persuasive, narrative, expository, and descriptive.

What is a source essay?

A source is the place where you gained information used in your writing. A source can be a printed document, an online document, a speech, a quote or even a television or radio program. The best sources are those in which your reader can go back and verify for themselves the information you utilized.

How do you write a source based question?

Answer the question directly.

  1. Begin with a sentence that addresses the prompt.
  2. If prompted to evaluate a source’s usefulness, you might start with something like “This source shows us that…” or “This source is useful because it demonstrates that…”
  3. Keep the answer focused!


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