What does the 100% Whole Grain Stamp mean?

What does the 100% Whole Grain Stamp mean?

Products that bear the “100% Whole Grain Stamp” contain at least 16 grams of whole grain per serving – or a full MyPyramid serving as outlined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture – and do not contain any refined grains.

How can you identify 100% whole grain?

The 100% Stamp assures you that a food contains a full serving or more of whole grain in each labeled serving and that ALL the grain is whole grain, while the 50%+ Stamp and the Basic Stamp appear on products containing at least half a serving of whole grain per labeled serving.

What does whole wheat on a package label mean?

The term “whole grain” is used on a great deal of packaging. And what clients may not know is that the term means the product contains all three portions of the kernel (germ, bran, and endosperm) as well as a minimum of 51% whole grain ingredients by weight per serving.

What does the Whole Grain Stamp communicate to the consumer?

The 100% Stamp tells you that all of the grain in a product is whole grain, while the 50%+ Stamp shows that at least 50% of the grain in a product is whole grain. If a product contains whole grain but less than 50% of the grain is whole, it can qualify for the Basic Stamp.

What’s the difference between whole grain and wheat?

Whole wheat means that the bread is made from the entire wheat kernel. Whole grain means that the bread can be made of any whole-grain kernel. That grain may be wheat or it could be another grain like spelt, oats, or barley. The bread might even be made using a mixture of different whole grains.

Is 16 grams of whole grain good?

“Excellent Source” — contains at least 16g of whole grains per serving. “100% / Excellent” — all the grain is whole grain and contains at least 16g of whole grains per serving.

How do you identify whole grain foods?

Look for packages that say “Stoneground (name of grain)” or “whole grain (name of grain)” or “whole wheat.” Some whole grains include wheat, brown rice, quinoa, bulgur, corn, buckwheat, oats, etc. Look for “100% whole grain” or “100% whole wheat.” This label indicates a 100% whole grains was used in the product.

Is whole grain really whole grain?

Essentially, all whole wheat products are whole grain, but not all whole grain products are whole wheat. Both whole grain and whole wheat contain all three parts of the grain kernel — the bran, endosperm, and germ.

What qualifies as whole grain?

These grains are either present in their whole form or ground into a flour while retaining all parts of the seed (bran, germ and endosperm). Whole grains are either single foods, such as brown rice and popcorn, or ingredients in products, such as buckwheat in pancakes or whole-wheat flour in bread. …

What requirements must a food meet before the whole grain stamp can be used on its packaging?

There is a minimum requirement of 16g (16 grams) – a full serving – of whole grain per labeled serving, for products using the 100% Stamp. If a product bears the 50%+ Stamp (middle image), then at least half of its grain ingredients are whole grain.

What does it mean if a grain is refined?

Refined grains have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ. This is done to give grains a finer texture and improve their shelf life, but it also removes dietary fiber, iron, and many B vitamins. Some examples of refined grain products are white flour, corn grits, white bread, and white rice.

Which is healthier whole grain or whole wheat?

Is one healthier? Considering that both whole grain and whole wheat products contain the entire kernel, they’re equally nutritious. Most research pointing to the health benefits of grains comes from the fiber, healthy fats, and nutrients found within the germ and bran of the grain kernel.

How many products use the Whole Grain Stamp?

Many thousands of products now use the Whole Grain Stamp in dozens of countries. We’ve created this search page to help you find exactly the products that interest you, in your part of the world.

How much is a Ukrainian stamp worth?

These stamps, though they were never officially issued, are considered the most impressive Ukraine stamps ever created. As a result, they are still avidly sought-after by stamp collectors around the World. Mint sets can still be found online for under US $10.00.

What is a forgery of Ukraine Stamps?

Forgeries of these stamps are printed on very thin, glossy paper. In August 1920, the Ukrainian National Republic decided to issue a new set of pictorial postage stamps, exemplifying the character of Ukraine and its people. These fourteen Ukraine stamps were designed by Mykola Ivasiuk (1865-1937), a prominent Ukrainian painter of the time.

What does the 100% stamp mean on cereal?

This cereal would qualify for the 100% Stamp, 22g or more. All its grains are whole grain, and it contains more than 16g of whole grain. This cereal would qualify for the 50%+ Stamp, 27g or more. Although bran is a very healthy part of all intact grains, it’s not a WHOLE grain, so we can’t use the 100% Stamp on this product.


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