How do you know if you have disc problems in your lower back?

How do you know if you have disc problems in your lower back?

Symptoms of disc problems back pain. increased back pain when repetitively bending or with prolonged sitting. increased back pain with coughing, sneezing, laughing or straining. pain, numbness or pins-and-needles radiating into an arm or leg if a disc has caused irritation of a nearby nerve.

How do you fix a lower back disc problem?

Nonsurgical treatment may include:

  1. Rest. One to 2 days of bed rest will usually help relieve back and leg pain.
  2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help relieve pain.
  3. Physical therapy.
  4. Epidural steroid injection.

What does it feel like to have a slipped disc in your lower back?

If you have a herniated lumbar disc, you may feel pain that radiates from your low back area, down one or both legs, and sometimes into your feet (called sciatica). You may feel a pain like an electric shock that is severe whether you stand, walk, or sit.

Is lower back pain caused by disc problems?

Lower back disc pain is a third possibility. Disc-related pain presents a more significant problem than muscle or joint pain, and could, in some cases, require further intervention from medical professionals to solve it. Disc problems sometimes put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine and could be the cause of a number of issues.

Should you worry about a bulging disc in your back?

Or, it may touch somewhere along the sciatic chain of nerves that goes to your buttocks, legs, and feet, which often results in sciatica —pain running down one or both legs from the lower back. There’s no reason to worry about a bulging disc unless it’s causing you pain, usually in your lower back, thigh, or below your knee to your foot.

How do you know if you have a disc in your back?

It’s the 2 nd most common place to get a disc in the lower back. Pain: You may experience pain on the outside of the leg start near your hip and running down the side of your leg to your 3 middle toes. Loss of Sensation: You may experience numbness or a loss of sensation in between the webbing of your big toe and second toe.

What happens to your spine when your discs wear away?

Because the discs function as between-the-bones shock absorbers, allowing the spine to bend and twist, this deterioration can result in serious back pain. As discs are damaged or wear away, the amount of space between the vertebrae gets smaller. As the space narrows, joints are placed under greater stress, resulting in further degeneration.


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