Does Spock end up with Uhura?

Does Spock end up with Uhura?

Final voyage of the Enterprise In 2263, Spock and Uhura had ended their relationship after Spock began considering leaving Starfleet to help his endangered species. Though he intended to discuss it further with Uhura on Yorktown, the news of the death of Spock Prime stopped him.

Who is spocks wife?

Title Sarek
Family Skon (father) Solkar (grandfather)
Spouse Amanda Grayson Perrin Landover
Children Spock Sybok Michael Burnham (adopted child)

Who is Spock’s love interest?

Leila Kalomi is one of the two major romances Spock had in the original Star Trek series. They met during a landing party and Spock fell for Kalomi because of the influence of spores that lowered his emotional control.

Who kissed Spock?

At one point during negotiations, the idea was brought up of having Spock kiss Uhura instead (as Spock was half Vulcan), but William Shatner insisted that they stick with the original script. NBC finally ordered that two versions of the scene be shot—one in which Kirk and Uhura kissed and one in which they did not.

Did Uhura and Scotty have a relationship?

Montgomery Scott In an interview for the Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine (issue 73), when asked about whatever there was any romantic involvement between Scott and Uhura in Star Trek V, Nichelle Nichols answered that they are just friends and there never was any romantic interest between them.

Was Uhura a lieutenant?

Uhura first appears in the episode “The Man Trap”, joining the crew of the USS Enterprise as a lieutenant, and serves as chief communications officer under Captain Kirk.

Does T’Pol marry trip?

T’Pol kept her great-grandmother’s purse. In the alternate timeline seen in “E²”, T’Pol marries Trip and they have a son, Lorian, who becomes the captain of the Enterprise upon the death of Captain Archer.

Who is Captain Kirk’s wife?

Originally played by Canadian actor William Shatner, Kirk first appeared in Star Trek: The Original Series serving aboard the starship USS Enterprise as captain….

James T. Kirk
Spouse Miramanee
Children David Marcus
Origin Iowa, United States, Earth

What was the first interracial kiss on screen?

Plato’s Stepchildren
A 1968 episode of Star Trek, “Plato’s Stepchildren”, which first aired on November 22, 1968, is often referred to as the first interracial kiss on television.

What was the first interracial kiss on TV USA?

The first Black-White kiss on American network television is often credited to the Star Trek episode, “Plato’s Stepchildren,” which first aired on November 22, 1968. In this episode, Captain Kirk of the Enterprise Starship, his first officer Mr. Spock, and chief medical officer, Dr.

Does Uhura have a romantic interest in Star Trek?

In The Final Frontier, a romantic interest between Uhura and Montgomery Scott is briefly implied while Uhura seemingly is under the influence of Sybok, but the subplot is never fully developed in the following movies, leading the viewer to assume that the pair continues as friends. Zoe Saldana as Uhura in the 2009 film Star Trek.

Who is Nyota Uhura?

Lieutenant Nyota Uhura was a Starfleet communications officer serving in the 23rd century. As requested by Captain Christopher Pike, Uhura relieved Hawkins, the chief communications officer of the USS Enterprise, shortly before the destruction of Vulcan.

What was the relationship between Spock and Uhura like?

Nyota Uhura and Spock had a relationship that was established prior to the start of their careers on board the Enterprise. When she was assigned to the USS Farragut, Uhura openly confronted Spock about her having received that posting even though she was qualified to serve aboard the USS Enterprise.

Who is Uhura Hawkins?

As requested by Captain Christopher Pike, Uhura relieved Hawkins, the chief communications officer of the USS Enterprise, shortly before the destruction of Vulcan. She served under Captain Pike, acting captain Spock, and then her classmate at Starfleet Academy, Captain James T. Kirk. ( Star Trek; Star Trek Into Darkness; Star Trek Beyond )


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