What is a total product concept?

What is a total product concept?

Whole Product Concept involves viewing your product as more than just a sum of its features, but rather as everything involved with the experience customers have with your product.

Which of the following is an example of augmented product?

An e-commerce site offering free shipping for products from a certain price level, or a free phone accessory with the purchase of a phone, etc., are examples of augmented products.

What is the core product augmented product and total product?

The core product is defined as the benefit that the product brings to the customer. The actual product refers to the tangible object and relates to the physical quality and the design. The augmented product consists of the measures taken to help the consumer put the actual product to use.

What are the three product concept?

The Three Product Levels. In order to understand a product better, Kotler proposed examining each product as though it were actually three separate products – the core benefit, the actual product, and the augmented product. Together, these three separate products are known as the Three Product Levels.

Is after sales service an augmented product?

The AUGMENTED product is the non-physical part of the product. It usually consists of lots of added value, for which you may or may not pay a premium. So when you buy a car, part of the augmented product would be the warranty, the customer service support offered by the car’s manufacturer and any after-sales service.

What are the components of total product?

4 Most Important Component of a Product

  • The Core Product: The core product is the actual benefit the consumer is seeking from the purchase.
  • The Additional Features: ADVERTISEMENTS:
  • Brand Name:
  • The packaging:

What is the augmented product level?

Why is augmented product important?

The augmented product plays a vital role in any marketing strategy. Augmenting your product or service differentiates you from competitors and allows you to find new revenue streams. So, given the importance of the augmented product, our focus now turns to how you can augment successfully.

What are augmented services?

Service augmentation describes those parts of the service offering that the customer is aware of and responds to but are not part of the product core. Examples are communication, reputation, and aspects of distribution such as accessibility, service quality, and the physical environment.

What are the 4 components of product?

These four components are the market, the problem, the solution, and the product itself.

What are the four elements of a product?

These are called the 4P’s and are product, price, promotion, and place. These four components help determine a clear and effective strategy to bring a product to market. Each element is crucial in its own right and needs to be given due focus.

What is the difference between total product concept and Augmented Product Concept?

The Total Product Concept suggests that a product should be viewed on three levels. Kotler’s ‘Augmented Product Concept’ suggests that all of a product’s benefits can be extracted by viewing a product on three levels

What is an augmented product and what are its benefits?

These differ from dealer to dealer. Benefits like a more comfortable interest rate, free service for the first two years, warranty, guarantee etc are all benefits that will come under ‘augmented product.’ The core product is the most important concept to understand as this is the one that explains the main motive of buying an augmented product.

Why is understanding the total product important?

Understanding the total product is critical as best satisfying products are central to the marketing concept and business success. The total product is the second of the 3 mega-marketing concepts.

What are the non-physical attributes of augmented products?

Non-physical attributes of an augmented product often provide the consumer with added protection and services that lessen the difficulty associated with its use. Examples of non-physical attributes include product warranties, post-purchase service, and installation.


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