What does lattice in the eye mean?

What does lattice in the eye mean?

Lattice degeneration is a condition that affects the retina, which is the tissue at the back of the eye essential for clear and proper vision. Lattice degeneration affects the peripheral portions of the retina, resulting in the tissue developing a lattice pattern.

How do you treat lattice degeneration?

Lattice degeneration is typically treated with laser to strengthen the retina in areas where it is weak. Side effects are reasonably uncommon, but the risk of side effects increases with the amount of lattice and treatment required. Possible side effects include an increase in pupil size in the treated eye.

At what age does lattice degeneration start?

Lattice patients with low to moderate degrees of myopia tend to develop detachments between 40 and 60 years of age caused by premature posterior vitreous separation and tractional tears.

When do you treat lattice?

The vast majority of patients will have lesions that are completely stable or slowly progressive. Patients who develop retinal tears, detachments, and subsequent vitreoretinal traction should be treated as those conditions arise.

What are the signs of lattice degeneration?

What are symptoms of lattice degeneration?

  • new floaters.
  • flashing lights.
  • a shadow or gray curtain blocking a part of your vision.
  • blurry vision or change in vision.

What is the treatment for lattice degeneration?

Besides laser therapy, there are other modes of approach for treating lattice eye degeneration. Cryotherapy: It is useful in certain cases where laser may be contraindicated. If there is excess of hemorrhage, administration of laser is not valuable. It helps to seal the area of lattice degeneration.

Does lattice degeneration require surgery?

Lattice degeneration cannot be cured. You will need to come in to have your eyes checked over time. Your healthcare provider will tell you how often to have your eyes checked. If a vision problem develops, you will need to have the problem treated. For example, surgery is used to fix a retinal detachment.

What is the cause of lattice degeneration?

Causes of Lattice degeneration: The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Lattice degeneration. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. Myopia. Retinal detachment. Marfan’s syndrome. Stickler syndrome. Ehler’s syndrome.

Can retinal lattice degeneration Make Me Blind?

Most people with lattice degeneration do not need treatment, and the condition does not affect their vision . But to protect your vision, it’s important to: see your ophthalmologist once a year for an eye exam. He or she will want to check the health of your eyes and your retina.


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