How do you follow up on the phone conversation?

How do you follow up on the phone conversation?

Here are some tried-and-true techniques to improve your follow-up calls and have more effective phone conversations.

  1. Schedule your calls.
  2. Be prepared.
  3. Ask questions that get answers.
  4. Keep the conversation balanced.
  5. Ask follow-up questions.
  6. Clarify answers by repeating them back to the client in your own words.

What is the French word for conversation?

Wiktionary: conversation → conversation, plaisanterie. conversation → conversation, entretien, discours.

How do you introduce yourself on the phone in French?

Phone Call Greetings

  1. Allô? (Hello?)
  2. [Name of office/company], bonjour.
  3. Puis-je parler à [X]? (May I please speak to [X]?)
  4. Est-ce le bureau de [X]? (Is this [X]’s office?)
  5. Merci de vouloir patienter quelques instants.
  6. Ça coupe.
  7. La connexion est de mauvaise qualité.
  8. Paul: Ça va et toi? (Everything’s good and you?)

What is follow up conversation?

to follow up (on a discussion): to carry on with, to persevere with, to keep up on, to continue with (a discussion) verb. I would like to follow up on our conversation yesterday, as I have some more information to share.

How do you cite a conversation?

You do not include personal communication in your reference list; instead, parenthetically cite the communicator’s name, the phrase “personal communication,” and the date of the communication in your main text only. (E. Robbins, personal communication, January 4, 2019).

How do you ask someone their name in French?

One of the easiest and fastest ways to start making new friends is by asking “What’s your name?” Use vous when the situation calls for more formality (or also when you’re asking a group of multiple people their names). Use tu when the situation is more casual/informal. Je m’appelle Brian/Lucy/Max/etc. (My name is…)

How do you say “how old are You” in French?

In English, we say “How old are you?” But in French, the construction literally means “What age do you have?” And even though in English we say “I’m 20 years old,” in French you have to say “J’ai vingt ans” or, literally, “I have 20 years.”

How do you say “I study French” in French?

If you’re asked this, don’t panic, just repeat after me: “J’étudie…” So, if you study French, you can respond “J’étudie le français” (I study French) loud and proud! You can find some more basic introductory French questions and sentences here.

How to respond to ça va pas du tout?

Typical responses include “Ça va (bien)” (Everything’s good), “Pas trop mal” (Not bad), “Ça va pas du tout” (Everything’s going wrong), etc. 3. Comment ça s’écrit? “How do you spell that?” This is particularly helpful when you’re having trouble understanding what someone is saying because of a language barrier or unfamiliar regional accents.


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