How do I make my bbPress private?

How do I make my bbPress private?

How to Create a bbPress Private Forum

  1. Restrict bbPress Forums Based on Membership Subscription. Firstly, after installing both plugins you will need to create some subscription plans if you don’t have them already up and running on your website.
  2. Restrict bbPress Topics Based on Membership Subscription.

Does bbPress work with Elementor?

You can use bbPress shortcodes on Elementor to create a forum page with Elementor and Elementor Pro. For fully customizing your forum with Elementor you can use Element Pack pro, which is an add-ons pack for Elementor that can forum widgets to integrate bbPress in the Elementor Page builder.

Is bbPress free?

bbPress is free, open source forum software built on top of WordPress. It can be installed as a WordPress plugin into a WordPress powered website. Unlike older forum software, it is not clunky and doesn’t take up a lot of resources.

How do you use Asgaros forums?


  1. Download Asgaros Forum.
  2. Activate the plugin via the Plugins screen in WordPress.
  3. A new forum-page is automatically created during the installation.
  4. You can also add a forum to a page manually by adding the [forum] shortcode to it.
  5. Add this page to your menu so your users can access your forum.

How do I create a private forum on WordPress?

Creating a Forum with bbPress in WordPress First, you need to click on Forums » Add New link from the menu. This will take you to a screen similar to the WordPress post edit area. Provide a title for your forum and enter a little description of it. Then press the publish button.

How do I make a private forum on WordPress?

To set forums

  1. Go in to Dashboard>forums and select the forum you wish to restrict.
  2. Under the text you’ll see a box called ‘Forum Groups’ – select the group or groups you wish to allow to access this forum.
  3. If you wish to have a custom error message, you can set one here.

How do I add a forum to an Elementor?

How to Create a forum Website — A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Step 1: Choose your domain name.
  2. Step 2: Choose your web hosting plan.
  3. Step 3: Install WordPress.
  4. Step 4: Install Elementor.
  5. Step 5: Install BuddyPress.
  6. Step 5: Choose a forum Template Kit.

How much does bbPress cost?

bbPress is free and listed at, so you can install it just like you would install any other WordPress plugin. Once it’s installed, you’ll be able to configure your general forum settings by going to Settings → Forums. And you’ll also get three new custom post types to manage: Individual forums.

What is the difference between BuddyPress and bbPress?

bbPress is a plugin to create forums, while BuddyPress is a plugin used to create a intimate social network. Both plugins provide communication platforms, using which people or groups can freely exchange ideas, discuss topics, ask questions, and so on.

How do I use bbPress plugin in WordPress?

Simply log in to your WordPress admin area and go to Plugins » Add New . Search for bbPress and then select bbPress from results. Install and activate the plugin. Upon activation, you will see the welcome screen for bbPress.

How do I add bbPress to forum?


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