Can vassals betray you Shogun 2?

Can vassals betray you Shogun 2?

Whereas protectorates from previous games are highly unlikely to declare war on the player, the diplomatic A.I is far more fickle in Shogun 2, and vassals may choose to betray their patrons after a period of time–particularly if they became vassals due to subjugation by their patron clan.

How do I get more generals in Shogun 2?

Generals are recruited in five ways: first, they can be sons of a daimyo that come of age; second, a random event may trigger giving the player the option to hire a new general for 1000 koku. Armies that do not have generals that win victories may also trigger the same event.

What does honor do Shogun 2?

High honour confers several advantages, while low honour carries several penalties. Daimyo with high honour enjoy higher happiness among all regions his clan controls, better diplomatic relations with other clans, and increased loyalty among his generals, while daimyo with low honor have penalties in all three.

Can there be multiple generals?

Generals are two star generals, Brigadiers (Brigade Generals) are one star generals. These can be more than one depending on requirements and theatres of operations. When there are more than one four star generals, then there is only one five star general.

What does command do in Shogun 2?

It represents the level of morale buffs your general provides to your troops. If you see “+2 command during ambushes” it means that your units will have increased morale on that type of battle.

What triggers realm divide Shogun 2?

Realm Divide is triggered when the player captures enough territories or captures Kyoto. The clan’s fame shows how close the player is to triggering realm divide. Shogun 2 features multiplayer battles with up to 8 players as well as multiplayer campaigns involving competitive or cooperative play with 2 players.

What does realm divide mean?

Realm divide is meant to simulate the idea that other clans have deemed you too powerful and must be crushed even though other clans can grow just as powerful if not more. Taking Kyoto is like declaring authority over other clans to submit, which none will, so civil war.

What is the difference between daimyo with high honour and low honor?

Daimyo with high honour enjoy higher happiness among all regions his clan controls, better diplomatic relations with other clans, and increased loyalty among his generals, while daimyo with low honor have penalties in all three. Daimyo start with 3 honour by default. They can reach as low as 1 honour, but reach as high as 6 honour.

What is honhonour in Shogun 2?

Honour is a gameplay mechanic in Total War: Shogun 2, Rise of the Samurai, and Fall of the Samurai . Every faction is led by a daimyo. The daimyo is a general in his own right, but unlike other generals, he also has an honour rating.

How much honour do Shimazu daimyo have?

The Shimazu Clan ‘s daimyo all have +1 honour, granting them 4 honour by default. Honour operates in much the same manner, but gaining and losing it is changed slightly. Honour operates in much the same manner, but gaining and losing it is changed slightly.

How do I increase my Daimyo’s Power?

The Tea Ceremony arts mastery gives +1. Also – winning heroic victories with your daimyo, becoming shogun, destroying a clan with an army led by your daimyo, or having a vassal.


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