What are the 3 aspects of development class 10?

What are the 3 aspects of development class 10?

(a) Economic development or rise in income of people. (b) Social development, which includes education, health and public services.

What are the aspect of development?

The aspects of development could be many but the most important development aspects are physical development, cognitive development, language development, social development, emotional development, moral development, and gender development.

What is development What are the aspects of development class 10?

Ans. (i) Development is a comprehensive term which include increase in real per capita income, improvement in living standard of people, reduction in poverty, illiteracy, crime rate, etc.

What are the two aspect of development?

Two aspects of development are: (a) Economic development or rise in income of people. (b) Social development, which includes education, health and public services. Development refers to progress or improvement in life style.

What are the 4 aspects of development?

The major domains of development are physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional.

What are the different aspects of economic development?

Development economics is a branch of economics whose goal is to better the fiscal, economic, and social conditions of developing countries. Areas that development economics focuses on include health, education, working conditions, and market conditions.

What are the aspects of child development?

5 Main Areas of Child Development

  • cognitive development,
  • social and emotional development,
  • speech and language development,
  • fine motor skill development, and.
  • gross motor skill development.

What are the 3 aspects of human development in psychology?

Additionally, what are the 3 aspects of human development? Human development is comprised of four major domains: physical development, cognitive development, social-emotional development, and language development.

What are the 5 domains of development?

Major domains of development include social-emotional, physical, language and cognitive. Furthermore, what are the 5 aspects of development? These five aspects include: extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, neuroticism.

What are the aspects of development in sociology?

Hereof, what is meant by aspects of development? Development is a positive growth or change in economical, social and political aspects of a country. Two aspects of development are: (a) Economic development or rise in income of people. (b) Social development, which includes education, health and public services.

How are the different areas of development inter related?

The different areas of development are inter-related. Changes in many areas are taking place at the same time. A child may be learning to speak in full sentences at the same time she/he is learning to tie shoelaces. 5. Development is continuous throughout life. Rates change, but development is a lifelong process.


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