How is Tirupati climate now?

How is Tirupati climate now?

Today’s temperature in Tirupathi is 23°c. Day’s maximum temperature would hover at 28°c, while minimum temperature is predicted to be 19°c.

How many days it will rain in Tirupati?

Tirupati Weather ForecastTirupati Weather Forecast

Tirupati Weather Today (1–3 days) Moderate rain (total 13mm), heaviest on Fri afternoon. Warm (max 26°C on Sun morning, min 21°C on Thu night). Wind will be generally light.
°C Thu 30 Friday 31
Wind km/h 15 NE 5 NNE
rain shwrs rain shwrs
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How is the climate in Tirumala?

The average annual highest temperature in Tirumala is 38.1°C (100.6°F), and the May 24th is the hottest day on average. The average annual lowest temperature in Tirumala is 16.8°C (62.2°F), and the December 24th is the coldest day on average.

How many days does it rain in Andhra Pradesh?

It is in the range of 19-21 days for south west monsoon months, 66 to 77 days for season as a whole and 225-260 days for annual.

What is the degree of Chennai today?

Today’s temperature in Chennai is 27°c.

Which is the coolest place in Andhra Pradesh?

1. Lambasingi. Located at 1000 m above sea level, Lambasingi a picturesque village is one of the coolest places to visit in summer in Andhra Pradesh. Located near Visakhapatnam, Lambasingi experiences minus temperatures during the winter season, due to which it is also fondly known as the Kashmir of Andhra Pradesh.

Which is the coolest area in Andhra Pradesh?

Lambasingi (or Lammasingi) is a small village in the Eastern Ghats of Chintapalli Mandal of Visakhapatnam district in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. With an altitude that of 1000 m above sea level, the area is cooler than the surrounding plains and is covered in moist deciduous forest cover.


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