What is ei Village?

What is ei Village?

Engineering Village is a search & discovery platform that provides the quality content, analytics and intelligence needed for engineers to improve their research success. On Engineering Village, powerful search is made easy, with filters tailored to the needs of world class engineers.

Is engineering Village peer-reviewed?

It provides a global view of peer-reviewed engineering literature, comprising nearly 19 million indexed documents from 77 countries across 190 engineering disciplines. By using Ei Compendex, an engineering researcher can be confident that the information is relevant, complete, accurate and of high quality.

What is EI branch in engineering?

EI stands for electronics and instrumentation and it primarily focussing on the principles and operations of measuring instruments used in the design and configuration of automated system. It is the basis of mechatronics and robotics engineering.

What is EI index?

Ei stands for Engineering Index, an index of scientific literature in the engineering field. Ei was originally compiled by hand, and now it is computerised and becomes Ei Compendex, a bibliographic database.

What is engineengineering village?

Engineering Village takes engineering research to the next level with a comprehensive database that includes the most authoritative engineering resources available to answer today’s most timely questions—from theoretical to applied, and basic to complex.

How many engineering literature databases does getengineering village offer?

Engineering Village offers access to 12 engineering literature and patent databases providing coverage from a wide range of trusted engineering sources. The databases have been carefully selected to provide both breadth as well as depth of content.

What is Engineering Index?

Founded in 1884, Engineering Index has recorded virtually every major engineering innovation from around the world. The Engineering Index Backfile provides a comprehensive, historical view of engineering innovations from 1884-1969 with over 1.7 million records digitized from the original print indexes.


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