Could Me 163 break the sound barrier?

Could Me 163 break the sound barrier?

In 1944, a modified Me 163 reportedly achieved 702 miles per hour in a dive, nearly shearing off its vertical stabilizer in the process. This unofficial record was not exceeded until 1947, when Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in his Bell X-1. The Komet’s design was revised for mass production in the Me 163B.

What type of fuel did the Me 163 use?

The new motor used a more volatile fuel mixture of T-Stoff (80 percent hydrogen peroxide and 20 percent water) and C-Stoff (hydrazine hydrate, methyl alcohol, and water), which provided a maximum thrust of 1,500 kg (3,300 lb.).

Did the Me 163 have a throttle?

Although the Me 163 had very short endurance, it had originally been even shorter. In the original design, the engine had only one throttle setting, “full on”, and burned through its fuel in a few minutes. This change greatly simplified the engine, while also retaining much higher efficiency during cruise.

How does the Ki-200 take off?

The Ki-200 is fitted with disposable gear just like the Me-163 when taking off from an airfield, it will automatically drop to the ground once the wheels no longer touch the runway.

How good is the Ki-200’s accuracy?

The Ki-200’s armament consists of 2 x Type-5 30 mm cannons though only loaded with 120 rounds of ammunition, so accuracy is key. For this, it is not recommended to attempt making deflection shots. It is easy enough to get up close with an enemy and destroy it with less than 20 rounds.

What are the advantages of the Ki-200 rocket over jet aircraft?

Another huge advantage the Ki-200 has over jet aircraft is the ability to turn. The Shusui can virtually turn on a dime, allowing the rocket to even outturn propeller aircraft. However, at the highest speeds and pulling more than 8 G, the wings will snap, resulting in a crash. The ideal time to turn is around 600 km/h.

How good is the Ki-200 Shusui?

As the Ki-200 Shusui is a small and nimble rocket-propelled aircraft with powerful armament, it mainly sees tier V and on occasion tier VI jets. It isn’t uncommon to start seeing AAMs here but as a rocket, it has an almost unprecedented advantage over all of these aircraft. The Ki-200 has an astounding climb rate rivalling that of the MiG-15.


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