What is IEC 61850?

What is IEC 61850?

IEC 61850 is the international standard for defining devices within substation automation systems and how they interact with one another. What is the purpose of IEC 61850? Provide platform for designing, integrating and maintaining substation equipment to do the following:

What is the Goose Proto­Col?

The GOOSE (Gener­ic Object Ori­ent­ed Sub­sta­tion Event) pro­to­col is a com­mu­ni­ca­tion mod­el defined by the IEC 61850 stan­dard, which uses fast and reli­able mech­a­nisms to group any for­mat of data (sta­tus, val­ue) into a data set and trans­mit it across com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works with­in 4 milliseconds.

What are gogoose Mes­sages?

GOOSE mes­sages are based on the require­ments of the IEC 61850 stan­dard, which aims to pro­vide ven­dor-inde­pen­dence.


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