What are catalog tables in DB2?

What are catalog tables in DB2?

The catalog tables describe such things as table spaces, tables, columns, indexes, privileges, application plans, and packages. Authorized users can query the catalog; however, it is primarily intended for use by Db2 and is therefore subject to change. All catalog tables are qualified by SYSIBM.

Which catalog table is used to store details of all the tables in DB2?

Db2 11 – Db2 SQL – SYSIBM. SYSTABLES catalog table.

What is Syscat in DB2?

TABLES catalog view. Authorization ID of the owner of the table, view, alias, or nickname. …

How do I find the schema name for a table in DB2?

DB2 list schemas of a database

  1. Step 1 – Connect to the database. view source. db2 connect to my_database.
  2. Step 2 – Execute this query. view source. select schemaname from syscat.schemata. If you want to connect to another schema – read DB2 SET CURRENT SCHEMA. The recordset is something like :

What are tablespaces in DB2?

A DB2® table space is a set of volumes on disks that hold the data sets in which tables are actually stored. Every table is stored in table space. A table space consists of a number of VSAM linear data sets (LDSs). You can also explicitly define table spaces by issuing CREATE TABLESPACE statements.

Which table controls DB2?

Partitioned Tables: These type of tables are used in data organization schema, in which table data is divided into multiple storage objects. Data partitions can be added to, attached to and detached from a partitioned table. You can store multiple data partition from a table in one tablespace.

Is catalog a database?

In computing, a catalog is a directory of information about data sets, files, or a database . A catalog usually describes where a data set, file or database entity is located and may also include other information, such as the type of device on which each data set or file is stored.

What does a data catalog look like?

A data catalog differs from a data dictionary in its ability for searching and retrieving information. While business terms, found in a data catalog, can be also found in business glossaries, a data catalog looks more like a directory. Data catalogs assume users already know or have easy access to business definitions.

How can I see all database schemas?

We do not have any restrictions on the number of objects in a schema. Starting from SQL Server 2005, we have different meanings of user and schema. Now, the database object owner is a schema, and we define schema owners. We can have a single or multiple schema owners.

How do I find the database schema in DB2?

What is Bufferpool in DB2?

A buffer pool is an area of main memory that has been allocated by the database manager for the purpose of caching table and index data as it is read from disk. Every Db2® database must have a buffer pool. Each new database has a default buffer pool defined, called IBMDEFAULTBP.

What is a DB2 catalog?

The DB2 catalog consists of tables of data about everything defined to the DB2 system, including table spaces, indexes, tables, copies of table spaces and indexes, and storage groups. The system database DSNDB06 contains the DB2 catalog.

What is DB2 Universal Database?

DB2 Universal Database is a Web-enabled relational database management system that supports data warehousing and transaction processing. It can be scaled from hand-held computers to single processors to clusters of computers and is multimedia-capable with image, audio, video, and text support.

What type of database is DB2?

DB2 is a relational database management system (DBMS) that was introduced by IBM in 1983. The product was initially developed to run on the MVS operating system.


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