What happens when data tables are filtered?
What happens when data tables are filtered?
Filtered data displays only the rows that meet criteria that you specify and hides rows that you do not want displayed.
How do I sort DBGrid in Delphi?
Simply set the Sort property to the name of a single field or to a comma-separated list of fields, each following the sort order. The OnTitleClick event of the DBGrid component has a Column parameter indicating the Column the user has clicked on.
What is meant by filtering in table?
To display a subset of the items in a table, define filter rules that show only the items in which you are interested. Filtering does not refresh the table; therefore, you are filtering only the items currently listed in the table.
What is filtering in a table?
When we use the word “filter” we are just temporarily hiding the rows that we do not want to see. When a table is “filtered” the rows that do not match the value you have chosen from the drop down list are hidden.
What is the use of filterfilter in SQL Server?
Filter – String Property that can contain Filter string like SQL WHERE clause format. Ex – CITY = ‘MIAMI’; FilterOptions – Specifies whether or not filtering is case insensitive, and whether or not partial comparisons are permitted when filtering records. foCaseInsensitive = Ignore case when comparing strings.
What is filterfilter Records in tadoquery?
Filter records in TAdoquery means to access or show some specific records that exists in Adoquery dataset memory as per User’s requirement. After opened a TAdoquery dataset with valid SQL, we can still filter the fetched data at our client application side.
How do I Filter Records in a dataset?
Just set the required Filter string and If you want to filter records, set Filtered to True, otherwise set Filtered to False. When Filtered is set to True, the DataSet uses the value of the Filter property to identify which records will be displayed.
What are the properties of the onfilterrecord event?
These properties include the Filter, FilterOptions, Filtered, and FilterOptimizeLevel properties. The OnFilterRecord event is used to assign a callback filter event handler that can be used to filter records using Delphi or C++ code.