What gives rise to sacrococcygeal teratoma?

What gives rise to sacrococcygeal teratoma?

Sacrococcygeal teratomas are thought to arise from an area under the coccyx called “Henson’s Node”. This is an area where primitive cells persist (germ cells) that can give rise to cells of the three major tissue layers of an embryo: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.

How rare is a teratoma in adults?

It is extremely rare to diagnose a sacrococcygeal teratoma in adults and only a few cases have been reported in the literature. Most of these tumors are benign and cystic in nature, with only 1–2% of them having malignant transformation. Malignancy is more common as the patient ages [1, 3,4,5,6,7].

Is sacrococcygeal teratoma a neural tube defect?

SCT is not a neural tube defect, and there is typically no spinal dysraphism, though there may be occasional sacral dysgenesis or hemivertebrae. Neonates with SCT have an excellent prognosis depending on surgical resection and malignant potential.

What is a sacrococcygeal injection?

A coccygeal injection involves the administration of a numbing agent (such as lidocaine) and a steroid to decrease inflammation around the coccyx region and the sacrococcygeal junction to provide relief.

What does Sacrococcygeal mean?

Sacrococcygeal: Pertaining to both the sacrum and coccyx (the tailbone). Teratomas are often in the sacrococcygeal region in children.

What is type IV sacrococcygeal teratoma?

Type IV sacrococcygeal teratoma is a rare pediatric tumor that is confined to the presacral area with no external component. The signs and symptoms often arise due to mass effect and compression of adjacent organs. Urinary retention is an uncommon presenting symptom in these patients.

What are the risks and complications of fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT)?

Risks and complications. When a prenatally diagnosed SCT is associated with fetal hydrops, the tumor can become life-threatening to both mother and baby. Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma MRI. ©CHOP/CFDT In severe cases, the tumor “steals” blood from fetal circulation, causing the heart to work extra hard and making cardiac failure possible.

How is sacrococcygeal teratoma diagnosed at Chop?

Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma ultrasound. ©CHOP/CFDT If you are referred to the Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), you will undergo a thorough day-long evaluation to confirm the diagnosis of sacrococcygeal teratoma.

What is type IV SCT in children?

Type IV SCTs are the least common type in children and may cause diagnostic difficulties since they are not visualized externally and the diagnosis is largely dependent on imaging studies. These tumors are usually asymptomatic but if symptoms arise, they are mainly caused by tumor’s mass effect on adjacent organs.


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