What qualifies as harassment in NYC?

What qualifies as harassment in NYC?

In simple terms, harassment is any action taken by one person with the express purpose of annoying or alarming another person. As provided in New York Penal Law §240.26, harassment in the second degree may involve: Any physical conduct intended to annoy another person. Any following of a person in a public place.

How do I file a harassment complaint in NY?

A complaint must be filed within 180 days of which the discrimination took place. It has offices located in Albany, Buffalo, and New York City. Contact NYSDOL for the appropriate office to file a complaint at (518) 457-9000.

What can I do if my neighbor is harassing me?

What Can You Do If Your Neighbor Is Harassing You?

  1. Turn to your landlord if you rent your place.
  2. Ask for a restraining order against the neighbor.
  3. File a police report.
  4. File a noise complaint.
  5. Sue the neighbor for harassment.

What constitutes harassment from a neighbor?

Neighbor harassment is a term that includes intentional harassment or offensive behavior directed toward someone who lives next door or nearby within the same community. It can include assault and battery charges if the behavior becomes severe.

How do you file harassment against a neighbor?

Pursee Legal Remedies. Go to your local courthouse or the court’s website to file a complaint against a neighbor if she has caused a problem that has resulted in money loss for you. After filing a complaint, a court clerk issues a summons to the person that you are suing, which informs her about the lawsuit you are filing against her.

Do I need a lawyer for neighbor harassment?

In any event, a lawyer will be needed to defend you if you have been charged with harassing a neighbor. You can be charged with harassment if your behavior is intended to harass a particular person or persons. If the conduct is merely insensitive, thoughtless or profane, it does not necessarily constitute a crime.


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