How do you recruit the Geth in Mass Effect 2?

How do you recruit the Geth in Mass Effect 2?

The Geth construct can be recruited as your ally Legion becomes available in Mass Effect 2 to be precise, and it is by far one of the most controversial squad members you can have. After all, Geth is considered as the enemy and having one of their own bots inside Normandy would for sure feel uneasy.

Can you sleep with Kasumi in Mass Effect 2?

Kasumi Goto, one of the DLC crewmates introduced in Mass Effect 2, can join Shepard’s squad to defeat the Collectors, but she can’t be romanced.

Who should I bring to priority Tuchanka?

Bring a Shotgun for the initial Husk fight. Be sure to level it up on the Normandy beforehand! For the most unique dialogue, pick Liara and Garrus, or EDI if Garrus isn’t available. Liara and Javik is another good pair.

What order should I recruit in Mass Effect 2?

Mass Effect 2 recruitment order:

  • Dossier the Veteran.
  • Dossier the Master Thief.
  • Dossier the Professor – Zaeed and Kasumi have extra dialogue.
  • Dossier the Warlord – Mordin has unique dialogue here.
  • Dossier Archangel – Grunt and Zaeed have substantial unique dialogue.

Is Kasumi a love interest?

Apart from aiding Joker in battle, Kasumi is also a romance option exclusive to Persona 5’s definitive edition.

Can you romance Miranda in ME3?

Shepard can meet her on the Citadel. To romance Miranda in Mass Effect 3, Shepard must have initiated a romance with her in Mass Effect 2. He can also choose to break things off at the start of Mass Effect 3 and romance another companion instead, but this comes with dire consequences.

How do I invite Kelly to my cabin?

Once you leave the CIC (either via the Elevator or the Galaxy Map), you’ll have a message on your Private Terminal from Kelly, allowing you to invite her up to the Captain’s Cabin. Do so via the Intercom, located in the office of the Captain’s Cabin, and she’ll be in a skimpy outfit from Chora’s Den.

Is the geth hostile to Shepard in Mass Effect 2?

During the mission Reaper IFF in Mass Effect 2, you’ll come across a geth who is surprisingly not hostile towards Shepard and their squadmates. Additionally, the geth even helps to save Shepard from some husks and greets Shepard by name afterward.

How many squadmates can you have in Mass Effect 2?

There are six (kind of seven, but we’ll get to that) squadmates in Mass Effect, and you can take two on every mission. Each character has their own unique dialogue, so it’s worth taking them on missions which are thematically linked. For example, Liara should probably go on the mission Matriarch Benezia.

Will Zaeed join your squad in Mass Effect 3?

If you choose an option other than the mentioned above, Zaeed will join your squad but will not be loyal. He will die in the citadel in Mass Effect 3, and you will have to choose one war asset at the end rather than two. The most reliable way to clear the suicide mission is to purchase all three Normandy upgrades.

What is the squad members guide?

This Squad Members Guide is meant as a general overview of the various squadmates Commander Shepard can acquire in Mass Effect 2, summarizing their abilities, strengths, and weaknesses in combat.


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