What are LCTF filters?

What are LCTF filters?

Liquid crystal tunable filters (LCTFs) are optical filters that use electronically controlled liquid crystal (LC) elements to transmit a selectable wavelength of light and exclude others. Often, the basic working principle is based on the Lyot filter but many other designs can be used.

What are liquid crystal tunable filters?

Liquid crystal tunable filters (LCTFs) use electrically controlled liquid crystal elements to select a specific visible wavelength of light for transmission through the filter at the exclusion of all others.

What are the different types of LCTF tuning?

Some LCTFs are designed to tune to a limited number of fixed wavelengths such as the red, green, and blue ( RGB) colors while others can be tuned in small increments over a wide range of wavelengths such as the visible or near-infrared spectrum from 400 to the current limit of 2450 nm.

What is the difference between LCTF and AotF?

Another type of solid-state tunable filter is the acousto optic tunable filter (AOTF), based on the principles of the acousto-optic modulator. Compared with LCTFs, AOTFs enjoy a much faster tuning speed (microseconds versus milliseconds) and broader wavelength ranges.


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