Can you raise wild rabbits for meat?

Can you raise wild rabbits for meat?

Not only do they require little attention, but they also provide a great amount of meat. Raising rabbits is simple and economical. Two does and one buck should produce 180 pounds of meat per year.

How long does it take to raise rabbits for meat?

They grow at an extremely rapid pace, and will usually be ready to slaughter by 10 weeks old. Depending on your breed, rabbits at the 10-week mark should ideally weigh about 5 pounds. Another benefit of raising rabbits for meat is the relatively low amount of daily work needed to sustain a healthy colony.

What is the best breed of rabbit to raise for meat?

New Zealand rabbit breed
The New Zealand rabbit breed is by far the most common and the most popular best meat rabbit. It’s estimated that 90% of the rabbits raised for meat are New Zealand rabbits. One reason may be that this rabbit breed puts on weight quickly and has an exceptional meat-to-bone ratio.

How much space do meat rabbits need?

For meat rabbits, each cage should be about 3 feet square and 2 feet high to give the animals plenty of room to move around. The best material for cages is double-galvanized 14-gauge welded wire.

What’s the best rabbit to raise for meat?

The 10 best meat rabbit breeds to raise are:

  • American Chinchilla Rabbits.
  • Champagne D’Argent.
  • Silver Fox Rabbits.
  • Satin Rabbits.
  • Cinnamon Rabbits.
  • Standard Rex Rabbit.
  • Palomino Rabbits.
  • Florida White Rabbits.

Can you make money raising rabbits?

Raising rabbits for meat and fur is a good way to make money but only if you do it on a large scale, and it should be done as supplementary income only. The initial costs in setting-up is small, rabbits breed quickly and frequently, they have large litters and grow to a good marketable size in a very short time.

Can you save money on meat with rabbits?

When considering raising rabbits for meat, you may be thinking more about how to raise them and not about the actual slaughtering. If you are planning to do the whole thing yourself, onsite, you will save money. However, you will need a place where you can break down the rabbits once slaughtered.

What to feed rabbits in your yard?

Provide the wild rabbits with grass and hay. Whether wild or domesticated, grass and hay are staples of a rabbit’s diet. The wild rabbits in your yard will have an abundance of grass to chew on, but will probably not have ready access to hay. The recommended types of hay for wild rabbits are oat , and timothy.

What rabbit breeds are best for meat production?

New Zealand Rabbits. The New Zealand rabbit breed is by far the most common and the most popular meat rabbit.

  • California Rabbits. Add a comment…
  • American Chinchilla Rabbits.
  • Champagne D’Argent.
  • Silver Fox Rabbits.
  • Satin Rabbits.
  • Cinnamon Rabbits.
  • Standard Rex.
  • Palomino Rabbits.
  • Florida White Rabbits.
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