How do you add fractions with unlike denominators step by step?

How do you add fractions with unlike denominators step by step?

Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators

  1. STEP ONE: Get a common denominator.
  2. STEP TWO: Add or subtract the numerators.
  3. STEP THREE: Simplify the result if needed. Notice that 3/27 can be simplified, since the numerator and denominator are both divisible by 3.
  4. And that’s all there is to it! Final Answer:

How do you add dissimilar fractions and similar fractions?

Multiply both parts of each fraction by the denominator of the other fraction, if the denominators are different. For example, if you are adding 1/3 and 2/5, multiply both 1 and 3 by 5, making the fraction 5/15. Then multiply both 2 and 5 by 3 (the denominator of the other fraction), making the fraction 6/15.

What is similar and dissimilar?

Similar (Like) fractions are fractions with same denominators. On the other hand, dissimilar (Unlike) fractions are fractions with different denominators. SIMILAR FRACTION. Fractions with same denominators (bottom numbers).

How do you add fractions with like denominator?

To add fractions, the denominators must be equal. Complete the following steps to add two fractions. Build each fraction (if needed) so that both denominators are equal. Add the numerators of the fractions. The new denominator will be the denominator of the built-up fractions.

What is easy way to add fractions?

An easy way to add with fractions is to use oil and water. If the denominators of the fraction are the same, you can just measure out the fractions. Make one fraction water and the other fraction oil. Pour them, one at a time, into a separate measuring container.

How to add and subtract fractions with different denominators?

Find the lowest common denominator. This means the lowest number both denominators have in common. Let’s take the…

  • Multiply the denominator by the number needed to get the LCD. In other words, you want each of your denominators to…
  • Multiple the numerator by that number, too. When you multiply the…
  • How to make denominators equal?

    Make their denominators equal using the concept of least common multiple. Then subtract their numerators accordingly. Rewrite each fraction to its equivalent fraction with a denominator equal to the LCM = 30, then subtract their numerators. Make sure to reduce your answer to the lowest term.


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