What is the book Sea of Tranquility about?

What is the book Sea of Tranquility about?

The Sea of Tranquility is a beautifully written, deep, heart-wrenching drama about two damaged teens surviving unchangeable tragedies, and devastating grief, hurt, and pain, learning to cope with them, accept them, and somehow finding healing, safety and finally happiness and love in each other along the way.

What genre is the Sea of Tranquility?

Romance novelYoung adult fictionBildungsroman
The Sea of Tranquility/Genres

A virtuoso performance that is as human and tender as it is intellectually playful, Sea of Tranquility is a novel of time travel and metaphysics that precisely captures the reality of our current moment.

How many pages is the Sea of Tranquility?

980 pages
Or Let-me-die-of-boredom love. The pdf file I have for this book is 980 pages long.

Why is it called the Sea of Tranquility?

The Sea of Tranquility is not actually a sea, so Neil Armstrong didn’t have to walk on water. In fact, there isn’t a single sea on the lunar surface. The Sea of Tranquility is actually a lunar mare. Lunar maria were named as such because early astronomers mistook these areas as seas.

Is there a Sea of Tranquility on the moon?

Mare Tranquillitatis /træŋˌkwɪlɪˈteɪtɪs/ (Latin tranquillitātis, the Sea of Tranquillity or Sea of Tranquility; see spelling differences) is a lunar mare that sits within the Tranquillitatis basin on the Moon.

Is there a Sea of Tranquility on the Moon?

How big is the Sea of Tranquility on the moon?

876 km
Mare Tranquillitatis

The Sea of Tranquility of the Moon
Coordinates 8.5°N 31.4°ECoordinates:8.5°N 31.4°E
Diameter 876 km (544 mi)
Eponym Sea of Tranquility

Is there a sea on moon?

Despite their name, the lunar seas are plains of solidified lava which appear dark on the Moon’s disc. Many lunar seas are large enough to spot with just your eyes, so see how many you can locate for our first challenge sheet.

Why is Mare Tranquillitatis blue?

The color is likely due to higher metal content in the basaltic soil or rocks. Unlike many other maria, there is no mass concentration (mascon), or gravitational high, in the center of Mare Tranquillitatis.

In which country is the Sea of Tranquility located?

The Sea of Tranquility, or the Mare Tranquillitatis, is located on the moon. Although the feature at first appears to be a body of water, the Sea of Tranquility does not actually contain any water. The Sea of Tranquility is a flat, dark plain on the moon called a mare.

Is the Sea of tranquility?

Mare Tranquillitatis /træŋˌkwɪlɪˈteɪtɪs/ (Latin tranquillitātis, the Sea of Tranquillity or Sea of Tranquility; see spelling differences) is a lunar mare that sits within the Tranquillitatis basin on the Moon….Mare Tranquillitatis.

The Sea of Tranquility of the Moon
Coordinates 8.5°N 31.4°ECoordinates:8.5°N 31.4°E
Eponym Sea of Tranquility


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