What is the longest breeding time in Dragon City?

What is the longest breeding time in Dragon City?

Breeding Time

Time Dragons
24 hours Justice, Sun, Luminsicent, Gaia, Photon, Rainbow, Cold Star, Fallen Angel
30 hours War
32 hours Prisma, Ice&Fire, Two Headed
36 hours Colossal, Juggernaut, Leviathan, Red Woods, Tesla, Dark Stone, Nightwind, Panzer, Elfic

How long does it take to breed a Diamond Dragon in Dragon story?

44 hours
For example, the Diamond Dragon takes 44 hours to incubate and 44 Gold to speed up, and the Fire Dragon takes 10 seconds to breed with 1 Gold required to speed it up.

What dragon takes 8 hours to breed?

Breeding Times

Dragon Breed/Incubation Upgraded Breed
Promethium 8 hours 6 hours 24 minutes
Rain 8 hours 6 hours 24 minutes
Snow 8 hours 6 hours 24 minutes
Sonic 8 hours 6 hours 24 minutes

What is a mist dragon in Dragon story?

Epic Form Mist Dragons are masters of water and air. According to Legend, they once commanded the world’s most powerful mists. They’re also the best friend to have on a hot day.

How long does it take to breed siren dragon?

Breeding for this Dragon takes 2 days while incubating and subsequently hatching the resultant egg takes 2 days, 9 hours and 40 minutes. With an active VIP Status of Level 2 or higher, the breeding time is reduced to 1 day, 14 hours and 24 minutes while the hatching time is reduced to 1 day, 22 hours and 8 minutes.

How long does it take to breed a dragon?

* For players without the new timer system, dragons with incubation times of longer than 24 hours will inaccurately show a time rounded up to the next whole day when you first breed them (Ex: 25 hours gets rounded to 2 days). To determine how many hours the incubation will take, check the initial gold cost.

How long does it take for dragon eggs to hatch?

Dragon Story- Eggs and Breeding Times Due to character limitations on the Dragon Reference thread we will be keeping. track of the eggs and breeding times here. Fire – 30 seconds. Forest – 30 seconds. Mercury – 1 hour. Air – 2 hours. Life – 3 hours. Parakeet – 5 hours.

How do I know if a dragon is breedable?

Look in your Market under the “Featured” tab to find returning breedable dragons. Dragons that return for only a week (or during sales) will not show up in the Calculator. The Codex will tell you if a dragon is breedable – but it has to be in your Market to be bred. See which dragons you can use to breed your desired dragon here.

How do I get a rare Dragon?

* Dragon level, order, and species do not affect the probability of getting a rare dragon. To breed a desired dragon, you simply need the correct parents and enough patience while we confirm the rules and update the tool. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.


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