What is the AFI for core values?

What is the AFI for core values?

The Air Force Core Values are Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do.

How do I change my Air Force AFI?

Airmen wishing to push for a necessary AFI change can do so by working with their chain of command and using Air Force Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication.

What are the Air Force standards?

The fitness test that trainees are required to pass at the end of basic training is the same fitness test that airmen are required to pass throughout their Air Force career on an annual basis….New Air Force Basic Training Fitness Standards.

Activity Male Standards Female Standards
1.5-Mile Run 12:54 15:21
Push-Ups 44 27
Sit-Ups 46 42
Abdominal Circumference 37.5 34

What AFI covers drill?

It describes the movements and procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, and parades. This manual is for general use throughout the US Air Force and is a guide for persons teaching, learning, or participating in drill and ceremonies (see Air Force Instruction (AFI) 34-1201, Protocol).

What is the Little Blue Book Air Force?

“As Airmen, we are charged with upholding a culture founded on professionalism, dignity and respect – that’s what our core values are about.” The original 1997 “United States Air Force Core Values” handbook (aka the “Little Blue Book”) was published to introduce the Air Force core values to the Air Force.

Can you have a hard part in the Air Force?

Men can now also cut, clip or shave a straight-line part into their hair on either side of their head, the Air Force said. The part must be above the temple, cannot be curved or slanted, and cannot exceed 4 inches in length or a quarter-inch in width.

What is a good Asvab score for the Air Force?

What’s considered a good score for the Air Force? In general, an AFQT score of 45 and above would qualify you for most Air Force jobs. Of course, depending on the job you want, you would want to get the highest score possible.

What is the Air Force NCO charge?

The NCO Charge is the additional responsibilities and authorities willingly accepted by every NCO. Each of the eight charges is a building block forming the pillars that support the non-commissioned officer corps and the U.S. Air Force.


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