What is the surface temperature of Delta Orionis?

What is the surface temperature of Delta Orionis?

around 29.000 K.
The star is around 190.000 times more luminous than the Sun. The primary star, Mintaka Aa1, is 24 times more massive than our sun. It has surface average temperatures of around 29.000 K.

What is the surface temperature of Mintaka?

Orion’s Belt Stars

Fact Table
Name Mintaka
Distance 900 light years
Brightness 7,000 times greater than the Sun
Surface Temperature 60,000 F

What is the surface temperature of alnilam?

27,000 K
Alnilam/Surface temperature

What is the spectral type of Delta Orionis?

Mintaka – Delta Orionis

Spectral class (O9.5II + B1V +B0IV) + B3V
Variable type Eclipsing binary
U-B colour index -1.05
B-V colour index -0.22
Apparent magnitude 2.23 (2.50 + 3.90) (δ Ori A), 14.0 (δ Ori B), 6.85 (HD 36485)

What is the size of alnilam?

14.006 million mi

What is the luminosity of alnilam?

832,000 L☉

What kind of star is alnilam?

blue supergiant
It is the 29th-brightest star in the sky (the fourth brightest in Orion) and is a blue supergiant. Together with Mintaka and Alnitak, the three stars make up Orion’s Belt, known by many names across many ancient cultures. Alnilam is the middle star. It is slightly variable, from magnitude 1.64 to 1.74.

What is the temperature of Altair?

7,700 K
Altair/Surface temperature

Is alnilam farthest from Earth?

Ernest Z. Alnilam is 1340 light years from Earth.

What type of star is alnilam?

Alnilam/Spectral type

How much brighter is alnilam than the sun?

Its absolute magnitude has been estimated to be around -6.89. Alnilam is around 537.000 times brighter than our Sun, and because of this brightness, it illuminates a molecular cloud, NGC 1990, that surrounds the star. Alnilam is more than 30 times bigger than our sun.

What is the temperature of Vega star?

9,602 K
Vega/Surface temperature

Science of the star Vega The star’s distinct blue color indicates a surface temperature of nearly 17,000 degrees Fahrenheit (9,400 Celsius), which is is about 7,000 degrees F (4,000 C) hotter than our sun.

What does Delta Orionis stand for?

Mintaka / ˈmɪntəkə /, designation Delta Orionis ( δ Orionis, abbreviated Delta Ori, δ Ori) and 34 Orionis ( 34 Ori ), is a multiple star system some 1,200 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Orion.

How many light years away is Delta Orionis from the Sun?

Mintaka, also known as Delta Orionis and 34 Orionis, is around 1.200 light-years / 380 parsecs away from the sun. The star system’s combined visual magnitude is 2.23. It is the faintest object that forms Orion’s familiar hourglass shape.

What is the westernmost star in Orion’s belt?

Mintaka, Delta Orionis (δ Ori), is the westernmost star of Orion’s Belt. It is a multiple star system with a combined visual magnitude of 2.23, located at an approximate distance of 1,200 light years from Earth. Mintaka is the seventh brightest star in Orion and the 73rd brightest star in the sky.

Is 34 Orionis A Flamsteed?

Flamsteed designations such as 34 Orionis (34 Ori) are named after the creator, Sir John Flamsteed. Sir John named the stars in the constellation with a number and its latin name, this star’s Flamsteed designation is 34 Orionis. The Flamsteed name can be shortened to 34 Ori.


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