What is a CT Esophagram?

What is a CT Esophagram?

CT esophagography is a CT study designed to primarily evaluate the esophagus, particularly in the situation of esophageal trauma and potential perforation. It has been developed partly as an alternative to fluoroscopic barium swallow evaluation in this situation.

Is a barium swallow and an Esophagram the same thing?

An esophagram is also commonly known as a barium swallow test. This x-ray test takes pictures of the esophagus after barium is swallowed to outline and coat the walls of this small region.

What does an Esophagram test for?

Your doctor has requested a procedure called an esophagram or barium swallow. This exam is performed to assess frequent heartburn (pain), gastric reflux (food/acid coming back up), aspiration (food or fluid in your wind pipe), difficulty eating, drinking, or swallowing.

What happens during an Esophagram?

What Happens During the Test? The patient will drink barium as the radiologist takes x-ray images. For air contrast, you will also be asked to swallow a crystal like substance. These crystals form gas in the stomach, which helps the stomach show up on x-ray.

How do you evaluate esophageal perforation?

Diagnosis of an esophageal perforation relies on radiographic evidence. Specifically, indirect signs of esophageal injury can be seen on a posteroanterior and lateral plain chest radiograph.

Is a barium swallow as good as an endoscopy?

endoscopy. The barium swallow is a less invasive way to look at the upper GI tract than an endoscopy. Barium swallows are a useful diagnostic tool for checking for upper GI tract disorders that can be easily diagnosed with X-ray alone. More complex disorders require endoscopy.

Do they put you to sleep for an Esophagram?

Your child will be awake during this test. Your child will be asked to lie down on the table. In the fluoroscopy room, your child will be given a milky liquid called barium in a cup to drink with a straw. This liquid allows the doctors to see the esophagus better on the X-ray pictures.

What do you wear to an Esophagram?

Your patient may be asked to remove some or all of your clothes and to wear a gown during the exam. Your patient may also be asked to remove jewelry, dentures, eye glasses and any metal objects or clothing that might interfere with the x-ray images.

What is the difference between an Esophagram and upper GI?

If just the throat and esophagus are looked at, it’s called an esophagram (or barium swallow). Upper endoscopy is done instead of an upper GI series in certain cases. Endoscopy uses a thin, flexible tube (endoscope) to look at the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and upper small intestine (duodenum).

Does a CT scan of the esophagus show esophageal perforation?

In ED patients with suspected esophageal perforation, CT with oral contrast material should be considered the initial imaging examination and can obviate fluoroscopic esophagography. Keywords: CT; barium swallow; esophagram; esophagus; perforation.

What is a modified barium swallow study?

A barium swallow test (cine esophagram, swallowing study, esophagography, modified barium swallow study, video fluoroscopy swallow study) is a special type of imaging test that uses barium and X-rays to create images of your upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

What is Barium esophagography used to diagnose?

Despite technologic advances in gastrointestinal (GI) radiology, barium esophagography remains an indispensable technique for detecting a variety of morphologic abnormalities in the esophagus, including nodules or plaques, ulcers, strictures, and rings.

What is the advantage of barium sulfate contrast in CT scan?

The use of barium sulfate contrast is considered to result in a more sensitive study when compared to those utilizing water-soluble agents such as Gastrografin/diatrizoate. Barium provides better contrast images.


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