What is a level IV plate?
What is a level IV plate?
LEVEL 4 BODY ARMOR | LEVEL IV ARMOR PLATES Level IV is the highest armor rating under NIJ standards. Armor plates in this level are tested to take a single hit from an armor-piercing rifle up to . 30-06 M2AP with a mass of 166 grains and velocity of 2880 ft/s and large-caliber rounds.
Is steel armor better than ceramic?
Ceramic is better at absorbing and dispersing energy than steel. This will result in less broken ribs, broken sternum, and collapsed lungs. Ceramic does better against supersonic armor-piercing bullets than steel.
What can Level 4 body armor stop?
Level IV (4) is the highest rating of personal body armor. Level IV will stop pistol rounds and rifle rounds, including a direct shot from a 30 caliber AP bullet. This bullet is the same size that is fired from a 30-06.
What is Level 4 armor rated for?
Level IV body armor is specifically designed to defeat armor-piercing bullets in a military combat environment. Level IV armor is rated by the NIJ to defeat up to . 30 caliber armor-piercing (AP) bullets that weigh 166 grain and a muzzle velocity of 2,880 ft/s.
What is NIJ Level IV body armor?
Spartan Armor Systems NIJ 0101.06 certified Level IV body armor plates are designed to withstand rugged use without compromising ballistic integrity. All plates are multi-hit, .30-06 M2AP tested by an NIJ certified laboratory.
How much does a Level 4 armor plate cost?
$900.00 $789.99 Level IV armor plates are the highest-rated armor level under NIJ standards. These plates are designed to take a single hit from an armor-piercing rifle up to.30-06 M2AP with a mass of 166 grains and velocity of 2880 ft/s and large-caliber rounds.
What is Level 4 body armor protection?
You can take your body armor protection to the next level when you pair Spartan Armor’s Level 4 body armor with our various highly rated plate carries. Spartan Armor Systems NIJ 0101.06 certified Level IV body armor plates are designed to withstand rugged use without compromising ballistic integrity.
Is your body armor NIJ compliant?
Reputable body armor manufactures have their body armor tested through NIJ certified labs to ensure it meets performance requirements for compliance. Level IV body armor will stop large caliber and armor piercing rifle threats up to .30-06 M2AP armor piercing rounds with a mass of 166 grains and velocity of 2880 ft/s.