What does flake mean slang?

What does flake mean slang?

slang, mainly US an eccentric, crazy, or unreliable person. SEE MORE. verb. to peel or cause to peel off in flakes; chip. to cover or become covered with or as with flakes.

Why is a person called a flake?

Calling someone a flake means the person can be quite fickle/capricious. At 3pm they make plans with you to hang out after work, by 6pm they’ve changed their mind. Basically they’re unreliable, not because they lie but because they change their minds frequently and don’t really commit to plans they make.

What is flaking in dating?

Flaking is when she (or he) makes plans with you, seems interested and excited, then cancels through no fault of your own.

What does flake out on you mean?

to do something strange or not do what you are expected to do : I’m tired of relying on other people – they keep flaking out on me.

How can you tell if someone is a flake?

Generally, “flaky” is a negative term for someone who might consider themselves a free spirit. Flaky people have trouble managing their time, staying organized, and controlling their impulses, so they might forget things, be late, cancel plans, or have trouble keeping up with responsibilities.

What to say if a girl cancels plans?

IF, IF, IF she cancels the next time, that’s it, move on, she’s not interested. BUT, BUT, and that’s A BIG BUTT, if she sounds unsure, or making excuses, just reply, “okay, I understand, take care, bye”. Forget her, and forget it and move along. She’s not interested.

Did you know the Irish have their own slang words?

Indeed, since the dawn of time, the Irish have managed to invent our very own slang words and phrases to unleash on all unfamiliar with the lingo! In this article, we highlight the most commonly heard Irish idioms and words, their meanings, and examples of how they are used in everyday speech. You will be talking like a seasoned pro in no time!

What is the best definition of a flake?

Top definition. Flake. A flake is someone who generally makes plans with you, promises to do things with or for you but can never seem to follow through. When confronted with their behavior they usually get defensive and run away.

What are the signs of a flake?

A Flake will make plans, never attend, and give no reason for their absence, even after they spent hours calling, texting, or emailing you. Flakes try to manipulate everybody, and sometimes are not the idiots they appear to be. A Flake often has little to no real friends due to their erratic behavior.

What does gaffer mean in Irish?

Irish Slang Word #20: Gaffer What it means: Commonly used in the UK and Ireland, a gaffer is colloquially termed as one’s boss, your ‘old man’, or a foreman. On your trip to a nearby pub in Ireland, you might hear most young Irishmen refer to their fathers as their gaffer. Sample Usage:


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