What is the best way to deal with a bully at work?

What is the best way to deal with a bully at work?

The best way to deal with a bully at work is to keep the entire process strictly professional. Aggressive work bullies tend to use degradation tactics, such as yelling or name calling, to instill fear in other employees and feel dominant.

How to shut down a bully at work?

Don’t blame yourself. Bullies who attack you with verbal insults or physical intimidation tries to beat you at mind games.

  • Stand up for yourself because no one else will. The first thing to shut down a bully at work is to accept the fact that you’re being bullied –
  • Kill them success. There is nothing more disappointing for a bully to see his actions fail to cause any harm to you. Do your best work.
  • Build a strong support system. Having a strong support system helps! Employees who are being bullied often keep such instances to themselves.
  • Escalate/seek support. If directly confronting your bully has little or no effect,you might need to escalate the matter to your boss.
  • How to spot and prevent a workplace bully?

    8 Positive Steps to Take: Know what bullying looks like. Look out for targets of bullying behavior. Focus on job performance and avoid negative comments unrelated to the job or the task at hand. Promote a positive workplace culture. Investigate complaints promptly. Provide training to both supervisors and employees. Encourage a zero-tolerance environment.

    How can employers help stop workplace bullying?

    10 Steps Businesses Can Take to Help Prevent Workplace Bullying Create a formal anti-bullying policy. This could be an addendum to your anti-harassment policy or a stand-alone to accompany your anti-harassment policy. Establish an open-door policy. An open-door policy is great for myriad reasons that contribute to an inclusive company culture. Take all reports of bullying seriously. Hold managers accountable.


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