Where is Imam Muslim from?

Where is Imam Muslim from?

Neyshabur, Iran
Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj/Place of birth

When did Imam Muslim born?

Abū al-Ḥusayn ‘Asākir ad-Dīn Muslim ibn al-Ḥajjāj ibn Muslim ibn Ward ibn Kawshādh al-Qushayrī an-Naysābūrī
Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj/Full name

When did Imam Muslim pass away?

May 5, 875 AD
Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj/Date of death

What is the full name of Imam Bukhari?

Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ismā‘īl ibn Ibrāhīm ibn al-Mughīrah ibn Bardizbah al-Ju‘fī al-Bukhārī
Muhammad al-Bukhari/Full name

How many imams are there in Sunni?

Twelve Imams
For Sunnis, the “Twelve Imams” and the present-day Shiite Imams (e.g., “Ayatollahs,” or the “shadows of Allah”) are humans without any divine powers. They are considered righteous Muslims, and the Twelve Imams are particularly respected because of their relationship to Ali and his wife Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad.

Who is teacher of Imam Bukhari?

Ubaid Allah ibn Musa
He began authoring books and narrating hadith while still an adolescent. He said, “When I turned eighteen years old, I began writing about the Companions and the Followers and their statements. This was during the time of ‘Ubaid Allah ibn Musa (one of his teachers).

Is Deobandi Sunni?

Deobandi is an Islamic revivalist movement within Sunni (primarily Hanafi) Islam that formed during the late 19th century around the Darul Uloom Islamic seminary in the town of Deoband, India, from which the name derives.

Who is the Imam of Sunni?

Imam (/ɪˈmɑːm/; Arabic: إمام imām; plural: أئمة aʼimmah) is an Islamic leadership position. For Sunni Muslims, Imam is most commonly used as the title of a worship leader of a mosque….Sunni imams.

Activity sectors religion
Competencies Knowledge of Quran and Sunnah, religious devotion

Who wrote Hadith Bukhari?

Muhammad al-Bukhari
Regarded as the most authentic and authoritative books in Sunni Islam, it consists 7,275 hadiths compiled by Persian scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari around 846 CE/232 AH….Sahih al-Bukhari.

Author Muhammad al-Bukhari
Series Kutub al-Sittah
Subject Hadith
Genre Hadith collection
Publication date 9th century


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