What caused the yarloop bushfire?

What caused the yarloop bushfire?

More than three and a half years ago lightning sparked a massive bushfire emergency in Yarloop that firefighters and the community fought for 17 days. The fire claimed the lives of two people, destroyed 180 homes and tore through more than 69,000 hectares of land.

How many homes were lost in the Yarloop fires?

181 homes
In total, 181 homes were destroyed, two men were killed and historical assets were in ashes. They were all burnt to a crisp within minutes.

What do firefighters do to stop bushfires?

Instead, to stop fires spreading, firefighters create containment lines where all fuels are removed in bands adjacent to the fire’s perimeter. This prevents the fire reaching unburnt vegetation, starving the flames of new material to burn.

How long will it take to recover from the bushfires?

A recovery could take centuries Not only have those logs now gone, Clarke predicts that it will take one to two centuries for them to appear again, hollowed out. “What could disappear in hours in bushfire could take centuries to replace. Ecologists would call this a ‘complete state change’.”

When did the Yarloop bushfire occur?

7 January 2016
2016 bushfire On 7 January 2016, 121 homes were destroyed by a massive bushfire. Over a seven-minute period, the fire also burned the historic timber workshops, factories, an old church, the old hospital, shops, the hotel, fire station and a part of the school.

What type of tree is extremely flammable?

The most flammable trees are Cyprus, pines, eucalyptus, and some other natives, some of which have been known to explode once engulfed in flames.

How big was the Waroona fire?

jpg. The Waroona bushfire in Western Australia burnt 69,000 ha in January 2016, destroying more than 160 homes and causing two fatalities.

When did the yarloop bushfire occur?

How do firefighters fight a fire?

Firefighters control a fire’s spread (or put it out) by removing one of the three ingredients fire needs to burn: heat, oxygen, or fuel. They remove heat by applying water or fire retardant on the ground (using pumps or special wildland fire engines) or by air (using helicopters/airplanes).

Why did the firemen not let them go back into the house that night?

He realised this horror and broke down in tears thinking about his losses – his school, his house, his cat. The firemen did not allow them to go back into the house for the night as it was no longer safe.

Will Australian forests recover?

Despite the devastation caused by the bushfires, just 6 months on from the disaster, Australian forests showed encouraging signs of recovery. The Bushfire Recovery Project has been tracking forest regrowth weekly in areas of New South Wales and Victoria where bushfires were particularly devastating.

What happened to the Yarloop-Waroona bushfire?

All these animals were victims of the 71,000ha Yarloop-Waroona bushfire, which destroyed 143 buildings and killed two people in Yarloop when it raced through the town and surrounding areas on 7 January. Although the majority of people fled, a number of stock animals and pets were left behind.

How many people from Yarloop are missing from the Yarloop fire?

Three people from Yarloop who were unaccounted for have now been found, in the blaze which has burnt more than 58,000 hectares and is threatening more towns south of Perth, after breaching containment lines.

Is Yarloop primary school in a dangerous place?

The Yarloop primary school is situated in a dangerous place from the viewpoint of bushfires. It has tall trees close to the buildings and the whole site has bush around the edge (see photo below)

Is Harvey under threat from the massive bushfire?

The town of Harvey is actively under threat from a massive bushfire tearing through the South West of WA, which has already destroyed almost 100 homes.


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