What is continuation function?

What is continuation function?

A continuation is a callback function k that represents the current state of the program’s execution. More precisely, the continuation k is a function of one argument, namely the value that has been computed so far, that returns the final value of the computation after the rest of the program has run to completion.

What is continuation in Salesforce?

Continuation Class: Continuation Class is used to make asynchronous callout using REST and SOAP services. Using this class, we can make a long running request from a Visualforce page to external systems, and can integrate our Visualforce pages with complex back end systems.

What can the apex Continuation class be used for?

Use the Continuation class in Apex to make a long-running request to an external Web service. An asynchronous callout made with a continuation doesn’t count toward the Apex limit of 10 synchronous requests that last longer than five seconds.

What is continuation passing style in C?

Continuation-passing style. In functional programming, continuation-passing style (CPS) is a style of programming in which control is passed explicitly in the form of a continuation. This is contrasted with direct style, which is the usual style of programming.

What is continuation function in user interface example?

For example, in user-interface (UI) programming, a routine can set up dialog box fields and pass these, along with a continuation function, to the UI framework. This call returns right away, allowing the application code to continue while the user interacts with the dialog box.

What is the use of continuation in C programming?

Programming with continuations can also be useful when a caller does not want to wait until the callee completes. For example, in user-interface (UI) programming, a routine can set up dialog box fields and pass these, along with a continuation function, to the UI framework.

What happens if you use CPS without tail call optimization (TCO)?

Using CPS without tail call optimization (TCO) will cause not only the constructed continuation to potentially grow during recursion, but also the call stack. This is usually undesirable, but has been used in interesting ways—see the Chicken Scheme compiler.


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