How is Odysseus and Telemachus different?

How is Odysseus and Telemachus different?

They differ because Telemachus is so inexperienced in life while his father, Odysseus, has plenty. Another way they differ one another is because while Odysseus receives hospitality from others, his son, Telemachus, gives it out.

What makes Odysseus different?

Another more positive way in which Odysseus is different to other Greek heroes is the way in which he gains his victories. He is not the pure brawn of heroes such as Achilles and Agamemnon that we see in the Iliad. Odysseus is a hero of wit and logic; his battles are won through deceit and quick thinking.

How are Odysseus and Ulysses alike?

However, Odysseus and Ulysses portray similar characteristics – their love for their crew and their determination in achieving goals. The man is a born leader; he shows leadership in raising his son, caring for his crew, and ultimately, in taking charge of his life.

How does Telemachus help Odysseus?

After he joins his father and is made an important part of the king’s plot to overcome the suitors, a good deal of Telemachus’ motivation is based on faith. At the showdown with the suitors in the great hall, he is shrewd enough to get his mother out of the line of fire and mature enough to be a real help to Odysseus.

What’s the difference between Ulysses and Odysseus?

Odysseus By Another Name Ulysses is Odysseus, and in many ways Odysseus is Ulysses, thanks to later translations that readily blend them. The one clear difference between the two comes in the form of a creative extrapolation, which we can find in the Roman answer to Homer’s epics: Virgil’s own epic, The Aeneid.

How similar are the characters of Telemachus and Odysseus in The Odyssey?

Telemachus’ and his father Odysseus’ experiences/journeys parallel each other in many different ways. One way that they are both similar is that they are both very well liked by Athena, who accompanies both on their journeys around Greece. Athena acts as guardian to both father and son.

How did Telemachus recognize Odysseus?

He tells Telemachus that he is his father and Telemachus doesn’t believe him. Does Telemachus recognize Odysseus at once? Not at all, what finally convinces him is when Odysseus brings up the suitors when he is explaining how he really is his father. You just studied 4 terms!

How did Telemachus change in the Odyssey?

430-431) Telemachus gained courage and kicked out the suitors from his house. Telemachus is changing so much that he is even willing to take risks in his life now. He is no longer the safe guy, he is now making pacts about his father and is risking his life and mostly his mothers life over his journey.


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