How can social networking sites be safe?

How can social networking sites be safe?

Best Practices: Safe Social Networking

  1. Manage your privacy settings.
  2. Remember: once posted, always posted.
  3. Build a positive online reputation.
  4. Keep personal info personal.
  5. Protect your computer.
  6. Know what action to take.
  7. Use strong passwords.
  8. Be cautious on social networking sites.

What are 2 websites that educate you on Internet safety?

Top Websites to Teach Kids About Internet and Cyber Security

  • FBI Safe online surfing.
  • Privacy Playground: The First Adventure of the Three CyberPigs.
  • Welcome to the web.
  • Think U Know.

What is safe to share on social media?

Never post photos of others without their express permission. Relationship or personal drama is best kept private. Never share intimate personal details including birthdates, phone numbers, addresses, schools or hometowns online, to minimize risks of crime, vandalism or identity theft.

What you can do to protect yourself online?

You can help protect yourself online by using strong passwords, avoiding dangerous links, backing up your data, and more.

How can I secure safely online?

Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What Not to Do Online

  1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited.
  2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On.
  3. Practice Safe Browsing.
  4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure.
  5. Be Careful What You Download.
  6. Choose Strong Passwords.
  7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites.
  8. Be Careful What You Post.

How do you stay safe secured online?

7 Ways to Stay Safe Online

  1. Keep your computers and mobile devices up to date.
  2. Set strong passwords.
  3. Watch out for phishing scams.
  4. Keep personal information personal. Hackers can use social media profiles to figure out your passwords and answer those security questions in the password reset tools.

What should you not share online?

Sharing sensitive information such as your address, phone number, family members’ names, car information, passwords, work history, credit status, social security numbers, birth date, school names, passport information, driver’s license numbers, insurance policy numbers, loan numbers, credit/ debit card numbers, PIN …

How can I be safe and secure online?

How do I make Google Safe Online?

Tools and tips to help you stay safe online.

  1. Use strong and unique passwords. Creating a strong, unique password for every account is one of the most critical steps you can take to protect your privacy.
  2. Keep track of all your passwords.
  3. Check your passwords for security issues.

What are the safest social media sites?


  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • What are the threats to social networking?

    Here, according to Palo Alto Networks , are the top 10 social network threats/risks that enterprises must consider when developing policies: 1. Social networking worms: Social networking worms include Koobface, which has become, according to researchers, “the largest Web 2.0 botnet.”.

    What is social networking and privacy?

    Social networking is built on trust and privacy control. Designed for human interaction, social media sites allow you to directly interface with others, share certain aspects of your daily life, and form even intimate relationships with others.

    What are the benefits of SSA?

    SSA benefits are benefits that are provided to individuals by the Social Security Administration, including retirement, disability and survivor benefits. These benefits are afforded to someone when he retires, becomes disabled, or when the spouse or parent of a dependant dies.


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