What does 50mg of sertraline do?

What does 50mg of sertraline do?

Sertraline 50 mg Tablets are designed with breakline; this breakline is only to facilitate breaking for ease of swallowing and not to divide it into equal doses. Sertraline Tablets is indicated for the treatment of: Major depressive episodes. Prevention of recurrence of major depressive episodes.

Should I take sertraline at night or in the morning?

Take sertraline once a day. You can take sertraline with or without food. You can choose to take sertraline at any time, as long as you stick to the same time every day. If you have trouble sleeping, it’s best to take it in the morning.

Will sertraline make me happy?

Sertraline will not change your personality or make you feel euphorically happy. It’ll simply help you feel like yourself again. Do not expect to feel better overnight, though. Some people feel worse during the first few weeks of treatment before they begin to feel better.

What are the most common side effects of sertraline?

Side Effects of Sertraline. This drug is known to have some severe side effects,with recorded instances of even death.

  • Sertraline Withdrawal.
  • Precautions for Using Sertraline.
  • What are the side effects of sertraline HCl 50 mg?

    a seizure (convulsions);

  • blurred vision,tunnel vision,eye pain or swelling;
  • headache,confusion,memory problems,severe weakness,feeling unsteady (symptoms of low levels of sodium in the body); or
  • racing thoughts,increased energy,unusual risk-taking behavior,extreme happiness,being irritable or talkative.
  • What are the different types of sertraline tablets?

    Sertraline, which is sold under the trade names Zoloft ® and Lustral®, is available in the form of capsular-shaped tablets in 25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg doses. The tablets may be light green, light blue, or light yellow depending on the dosage. In addition to tablets, sertraline is also available as a diluted oral solution.


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