How do I add a comboBox to my swing?

How do I add a comboBox to my swing?

Java JComboBox Example with ActionListener

  1. import javax.swing.*;
  2. import java.awt.event.*;
  3. public class ComboBoxExample {
  4. JFrame f;
  5. ComboBoxExample(){
  6. f=new JFrame(“ComboBox Example”);
  7. final JLabel label = new JLabel();
  8. label.setHorizontalAlignment(JLabel.CENTER);

How do I select a comboBox item in Java?

setSelectedIndex(int i): selects the element of JComboBox at index i. showPopup() :causes the combo box to display its popup window. setUI(ComboBoxUI ui): sets the L&F object that renders this component. setSelectedItem(Object a): sets the selected item in the combo box display area to the object in the argument.

What is combobox in Java?

In Java, you can create combo boxes. A combo box is a combination of a text field and a drop-down list from which the user can choose a value. If the text-field portion of the control is editable, the user can enter a value in the field or edit a value retrieved from the drop-down list. Creating a combo box is easy.

How do I know if JComboBox is selected?

You can use JComboBox#getSelectedIndex , which will return -1 if nothing is selected or JComboBox#getSelectedItem which will return null if nothing is selected.

How do I select a ComboBox item in Java?

How do I use NetBeans in a combo box?

From scratch Netbeans is used to auto-layout in a form a Combo Box and then it is used. Items are added in the model properties dialogue and by a message-send within the source code.

How do you make a combo box editable in Java?

JComboBox (Vector items) : creates a new JComboBox with items from the specified vector addItemListener ( ItemListener l) : adds a ItemListener to JComboBox setEditable (boolean b) : the boolean b determines whether the combo box is editable or not .If true is passed then the combo box is editable or vice versa.

What is jcombobox in Java?

JComboBox is a part of Java Swing package. JComboBox inherits JComponent class. JComboBox shows a popup menu that shows a list and the user can select a option from that specified list. JComboBox can be editable or read- only depending on the choice of the programmer.

How do I put anything else in a combo box?

To put anything else into a combo box or to customize how the items in a combo box look, you need to write a custom renderer. An editable combo box would also need a custom editor. Refer to Providing a Custom Renderer for information and an example. The preceding code registers an action listener on the combo box.


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