What word has the most pronunciations?

What word has the most pronunciations?

“ SIR-up” – First half of word sounds like “sir” which rhymes with “burr” Most common pronunciation overall except in the Northeast Corridor1

  • “ SIHR-up” A close second in popularity, this variant is also heard throughout the US except in the Northeast Corridor1
  • “ SEAR-up”
  • What is the most incorrectly pronounced word?

    Here are 20 of the most commonly mispronounced words in English, and how to say them right.

    • 1 Pronunciation. Ironically, many people mispronounce this word!
    • 2 Cupboard.
    • 3 Epitome.
    • 4 Salmon/almond.
    • 5 Library/February.
    • 6 Definitely.
    • 7 Ask.
    • 8 Wednesday.

    How many different pronunciations are there for controversy?

    There are two possible pronunciations of the word controversy: one puts the stress on the con- and the other puts it on the -trov-. The former pronunciation is the more traditional and is standard in US English, but the latter is now more widespread in British English.

    Which letter has most pronunciations?

    The letters -ough- can be pronounced a ridiculous number of different ways in English.

    Why is mischievous mispronounced?

    “Mischievous” is commonly misspelled as “mischievious,” with an extra “I” at the end. That might explain why people often mispronounce the word as “mis-CHEEV-ee-ous,” instead of “MIS-chiv-ous.”

    Are you supposed to pronounce the T in often?

    The \t\ is silent. Why? Often has a medial /t/ that, like similar words such has “hasten” and “soften,” was once pronounced and is now typically silent. Unlike the similar words, pronouncing the “t” in “often” has returned in some modern usage.

    Is it pronounced controversy or controversy?

    Usage. There are two possible pronunciations of the word controversy: one puts the stress on the con- and the other puts it on the -trov-. The former pronunciation is the more traditional, but the latter is now more widespread in British English.

    How different a are pronounced?

    In Received Pronunciation and in General American the letter A (lower case a, pronounced /eɪ/), as most vowel letters in English, has four main pronunciations: So-called “short a”, IPA phoneme /æ/, as in trap, bat, batting, rapid, ask,AmE bathAmE or marry.

    What word has 3 E that all sound different?

    There is Mercedes, it has 3 “e”s and they all sound different.

    What is an example of debate in a sentence?

    Examples of debate in a Sentence. The candidates participated in several debates before the election was held. The meaning of the text has been the subject of considerable debate among scholars for many years. Scholars have been debating the meaning of the text for years.

    Which is the right synonym for debate?

    Choose the Right Synonym for debate. Verb. discuss, argue, debate mean to discourse about in order to reach conclusions or to convince. discuss implies a sifting of possibilities especially by presenting considerations pro and con.

    Which is the best definition of heated debate?

    (Entry 1 of 2) : a contention by words or arguments Our polite chat about politics became a heated debate. The case sparked a raging public debate on property rights.

    What is debate kids?

    Kids Definition of debate. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a discussion or argument carried on between two teams or sides. 2 : a discussion of issues We had a debate over where to go on vacation.


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