What is SCIRun?
What is SCIRun?
SCIRun is a problem solving environment or “computational workbench” in which a user selects software modules that can be connected in a visual programing environment to create a high level workflow for experimentation. Many SCIRun users find this software particularly useful for their bioelectric field research.
How do I download Seg3D?
Seg3D Datasets can be downloaded from GitHub. Individual datasets are also available from the CIBC Dataset Archive. Data can also be cloned from the GitHub repository using the URL https://github.com/CIBC-Internal/Seg3DData.
What is the license for scirun?
SCIRun is available for free and is open source under the MIT License: University of Utah. in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
What is scirun used for?
Users have also made use of SCIRun for the visualization of breast tumor brachytherapy, computer aided surgery, teaching, and a number of non-biomedical applications. Acknowledgement: SCIRun is an Open Source software project that is principally funded through the SCI Institute’s NIH/NIGMS CIBC Center.
What is scirun and biopse?
SCIRun is a Problem Solving Environment (PSE), for modeling, simulation and visualization of scientific problems. SCIRun now includes the biomedical components formally released as BioPSE, as well as BioMesh3D.
What are the system requirements to run scirun 4?
SCIRun 4 will install on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows XP, Vista and 7. SCIRun volume rendering requires OpenGL 2.0, and will likely not work on integrated graphics chips. NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards are strongly recommended.