What are basic educational objectives?

What are basic educational objectives?

Aim of Primary Education To identify his life as an individual. Citizen education as one of the main aims of all round education. Full and harmonious development of children. Promotion of spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and in school and society.

What is educational objective in curriculum?

Objectives are statements that describe the end-points or desired outcomes of the curriculum, a unit, a lesson plan, or learning activity. Objectives are also the instructions or directions about what educators want the students to be able to do as a result of instruction.

What are objectives of curriculum are developed?

The major objective of curriculum development is to improve the District’s educational offerings and its instructional activities and practices in order to increase student engagement in the learning process and improve student achievement.

What is the rationale of the 2002 BEC Rbec?

21. Rationale of 2002 BEC/RBEC 2002 * To further decongest the curriculum and to provide more contact time for the tool subjects, the restructured curriculum emphasizes the enhanced teaching of the four (4) core subjects Filipino, English, Mathematics and Science.

What is the curriculum of basic education?

The Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) aims to produce more functionally literate students by empowering them with life skills and promote more ideal teachers that will perform collaborative teaching and transcending knowledge in a non-authoritative way of instructing.

What are the main components of the new basic education curriculum?

Any curriculum consists of several components: objectives, attitudes, time, students and teachers, needs analysis, classroom activities, materials, study skills, language skills, vocabulary, grammar and assessment.

What are the types of objectives in curriculum?

The first level of the taxonomy divides objectives into three categories: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Simply put, cognitive objectives focus on the mind; affective objectives focus on emotions or affect; and psychomotor objectives focus on the body.

What are AIMS goals and objectives of curriculum?

Broad descriptions of purposes or ends stated in general terms without criteria of achievement or mastery. Curriculum aims or goals relate to educational aims and philosophy. They are programmatic and normally do not delineate the specific courses or specific items of content.

What is Rbec curriculum all about?

The RBEC articulated a Vision and Mission: “The Department of Education envisions every learner to be functionally literate, equipped with life skills, appreciative of arts and sports, and imbued with the desirable values of a person who is makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan, at maka- Diyos.” “

What is BEC basic education curriculum?

Basic Education Curriculum (BEC), is a form of tool which will stand as one point of learning areas adequate for the development of competencies starting from Basic education up to the second level of which is renounced as High School.

How important curriculum is in the context of basic education?

An effective curriculum provides teachers, students, administrators and community stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for delivering a quality education. The curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core competencies that students must demonstrate before advancing to the next level.

What are the objectives of the Ghanaian basic school curriculum?

A major objective of the school system, as designed by the Education Reform Programme of 1987, is to make education more relevant to the socio-economic realities of the country, so that the Ghanaian children will be able to live a productive and meaningful life.

What is revised Basic Education curriculum?

The Revised Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC) is on its 7th year of implementation this school year 2005- 2006 with slight modifications, with emphasis to rubrics/student performance as basis of grading system. Teachers are required to prepare their syllabus based on the objectives of the revised Basic Education Curriculum.

What is the NCBE curriculum?

The National Curriculum for Basic Education(NCBE) builds on the experience and achievements of the previous cycles of Namibian curricula and syllabuses as from 1990, namely the curricula and syllabuses for basic education (then grades 1-10), senior secondary education and special needs education.

How will the National Curriculum for basic education be supplemented?

The National Curriculum for Basic Educationwill be supplemented by The Inclusive Education Curriculum Framework (2016) iii The National Curriculum for Basic Education, NIED 2016 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS

What are the objectives of secondary education?

BEC 2002/ RBEC 2002 The objectives of secondary education are threefold: 1. Continue the general education started in elementary. 2. Prepare the learners for college. 3. Prepare the learners for the world of work.


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