What is the meaning of Neisseria?

What is the meaning of Neisseria?

Neisseria is a large genus of bacteria that colonize the mucosal surfaces of many animals. Of the 11 species that colonize humans, only two are pathogens, N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae.

Is Neisseria gonorrhoeae encapsulated?

CHARACTERISTICS: Neisseria gonorrhoeae belongs to the genus Neisseria within the family Neisseriaceae 2. It is a Gram-negative, non-spore forming, non-motile, encapsulated, and non acid-fast bacteria, which appear in kidney bean shape under the microscope 1.

How do you spell Neisseria?

noun, plural neis·se·ri·ae [nahy-seer-seer-ee-ee]. Bacteriology. any of several spherical bacteria of the genus Neisseria, certain species of which, as N.

What does Neisseria mean?

Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: The Neisseria is a large genus of commensal bacteria that colonize the mucosal surfaces of many animals. Of the 11 species that colonize humans, only two are pathogens. N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae often cause symptomatic infections, a commensal-like behavior.

What are the virulence factors of Neisseria gonorrhea?

Virulence factors. pili extend beyond the outer membrane and are Neisseria’s most important virulence factor. They are essential for adhesion to mucosal surfaces and inhibit neutrophil killing. The outer membrane is composed of phospholipids and other outer membrane proteins. These proteins facilitate adhesion and promote invasion.

What is the pathogenicity of Neisseria gonorrhea?

The genus Neisseria contains two important human pathogens, N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis . N. gonorrhoeae causes gonorrhea, and N. meningitidis is the cause of meningococcal meningitis. N. gonorrhoeae infections have a high prevalence and low mortality, whereas N. meningitidis infections have a low prevalence and high mortality.

Is Neisseria gonorrhea Gram positive?

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infection of the Female Genital Tract. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus), the agent of gonorrhea, has no reservoir outside of humans and is a fastidious Gram-negative diplococcus that can be cultivated on artificial medium under conditions of increased iron and carbon dioxide.


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