What is the reaction mechanism of aldol condensation?

What is the reaction mechanism of aldol condensation?

Explain the mechanism of Aldol condensation. Aldol condensation is an organic reaction in which an enolate ion reacts with carboxyl compound in order to form a β– hydroxy aldehyde or β– hydroxy ketone. Hydroxide functions as a base and therefore moves the acidic a-hydrogen producing the reactive enolate ion.

Which undergoes aldol condensation in the presence of dilute NaOH?

Assertion : Acetaldehyde undergoes aldol condensation with dil. NaOH.

What do you call the reaction between acetaldehyde and conc NaOH or Koh?

Ch18: Aldol reaction of RCHO. Reagents : commonly a base such as NaOH or KOH is added to the aldehyde. The reaction involves an aldehyde enolate reacting with another molecule of the aldehyde. The simplest aldol reaction is the condensation of ethanal.

What is the action of dilute NaOH?

Ethanal reacts with sodium hydroxide to form beta-hydroxy butyraldehyde. The product is known as aldol and this is the example of the aldol condensation reaction. It is given by ketones or aldehydes having an alpha hydrogen atom. Aldehyde and alcohol are represented by “Aldol”.

Which carbonyl compound will participate in aldol condensation reaction?

All carbonyl compounds containing α−H or α−D undergo aldol condensation.

What happens when acetaldehyde reacts with NaOH?

When two molecules of acetaldehyde are heated with dilute NaOH solution, aldol is obtained.

What is the mechanism of condensation of aldol?

Mechanism of Aldol Condensation In reverse order, The hydroxide ion deprotonates the aldehyde. Here Enolate ion 1 adds to the unreacted aldehyde. Alkoxide ion 2 is protonated by water. A small amount of aldol is converted into enolate ion (4) by hydroxide ion. Here Enolate Ion(4) loses a hydroxide ion.

What is a crossed aldol reaction?

The condensation reaction between two different molecules of an aldehyde or ketone in a protic solvent such as water or alcohol constitutes the crossed aldol reaction. When condensation is between two different carbonyl compounds, it is called crossed aldol condensation.

What is the best book for aldol condensation?

For studying aldol condensation one can follow the NCERT chemistry textbook part-2 for class 12. The chapter named ‘Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids’ in this book contains this process. What is crossed aldol condensation?

What is the mechanism of aldol protonation?

The mechanism is just going to be what you expect for any aldol reaction. You would kick up the electrons to the O, and then it would protonate. What I’d like to do is if we already know it’s going to be a six-membered ring, let’s just draw a six-membered ring and then let’s just add the groups.


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