When did King George VI of England die?

When did King George VI of England die?

6 February 1952
The King failed to recover from a lung operation, and died in his sleep on 6 February 1952 at Sandringham; he was aged 56. After lying in state at Westminster Hall, the King’s funeral was held at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, where he lies buried.

What did King George die?

February 6, 1952George VI / Date of death

What was King George VI last words?

His last words as he lay on his deathbed at Sandringham Estate were, “God Damn You”, said to the nurse who had administered him a sedative. Not the best last words. Physician Lord Dawson provided a more media-friendly sound bite in which he said, “The King’s life is drawing peacefully to a close”.

Who was King in 1923?

George V

George V
George V in 1923
King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, Emperor of India (more …)
Reign 6 May 1910 – 20 January 1936
Coronation 22 June 1911

When did Prince Philip pass away?

April 9, 2021Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh / Date of death
Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, died on April 9 at Windsor Castle in England. He was 99.

Who was the king in 1935?

King George V
In 1935, King George V celebrated his Silver Jubilee, to much public rejoicing. He had become a popular king by cultivating good relationships with the Labour Party and unions during the economic depression of the 1930s.

Who ruled England in 1917?

On June 19, 1917, during the third year of World War I, Britain’s King George V orders the British royal family to dispense with the use of German titles and surnames, changing the surname of his own family, the decidedly Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, to Windsor.

What happened to Prince George VI of England?

George VI had undergone a lung operation in September 1951 from which he never fully recovered. He died in his sleep at Sandringham House, Norfolk on 6 February 1952 at the age of 56.

What happened to the King of England when he died?

On 31 January 1952, despite advice from those close to him, the King went to London Airport to see Elizabeth and Philip off on their tour of Australia via Kenya. At 07:30 GMT on the morning of 6 February, he was found dead in bed at Sandringham House in Norfolk.

What was the cause of death of Emperor George VI?

George relinquished the title of Emperor of India in June 1948 and instead adopted the new title of Head of the Commonwealth. He was beset by smoking-related health problems in the later years of his reign and died of coronary thrombosis in 1952.

Who is George VI?

George VI (December 14, 1895 to February 6, 1952), crowned as king of the United Kingdom in 1937, was an important symbolic leader for the British people during World War II.


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