What is injector data?

What is injector data?

Injector data collected is based on the fuel injector cleaning and flow testing service we provided. Injector Rx cannot be held accountable for any errors in the data. The onus for accuracy falls upon the end user.

What are injector codes?

An injector code, typically known as an IMA code (Bosch and Siemens) or a calibration code (Delphi), is a code that is programmed to the ECU for accurate communication and Injection control.

What is injector offset?

The injector offset value is added to the injector pulse width as the very last item before the total pulse width is sent to the hardware. The purpose of the offset is just to account for the opening time – closing time of the injector.

What is injector scaling?

Scaling means just that… Scaling everything down to compensate for the hard coded limits. Assuming a return style fuel system, a user might have injectors that flow 80 lb/hr at 58psi (since this is return, the IFR table would be populated with 80 lb/hr in every cell).

Why choose a Bosch fuel injector?

Bosch fuel injectors have broad market coverage for both OE and after market applications. Fuel injector performance can be affected by particles as little as 10 microns (0.01mm). The main causes of fuel injector wear or failure is contamination of the fuel system. Corrosion due to moisture in the fuel also contributes.

How do I get the flow data for my injectors?

Injector Flow Data. Select your injectors from the drop down menu below. using this data that your base fuel pressure is set to the listed fuel pressurere otherwise the data will be inaccurate. The data can be directly copy and pasted into your tuning software. The flow data is ACTUAL unscaled data unless otherwise noted.

How is the fuel pressure data for injectors determined?

The injector data given is based on manufacturer’s published data and are given for the specific base fuel pressure listed (recommend high base pressure for small injectors.) Be sure if using this data that your base fuel pressure is set to the listed fuel pressure otherwise the data will be inaccurate.

What are the main causes of fuel injector failure?

Bosch fuel injectors have broad market coverage for both OE and after market applications. Fuel injector performance can be affected by particles as little as 10 microns (0.01mm). The main causes of fuel injector wear or failure is contamination of the fuel system. Corrosion due to moisture in the fuel also contributes. These fuel injectors can


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