What happened Mattie Blalock?

What happened Mattie Blalock?

On July 3, 1888, Blaylock took a lethal dose of laudanum and alcohol. Her death was ruled as “suicide by opium poisoning”. A long time abuser of laudanum and alcohol, it is possible she overdosed by accident and died of respiratory depression. The coroner’s report of her death is brief.

When did Mattie Earp die?

July 3, 1888
Mattie Blaylock/Date of death

Where did Wyatt Earp meet Mattie Blaylock?

Dodge City
But Earp and his brothers had common-law wives. In Wyatt’s case, a prostitute-turned full-time companion named Celia Ann “Mattie” Blaylock, whom he met in the early 1870s while working as assistant sheriff in Dodge City, Kan.

Who was Wyatt Earp’s last wife?

Josephine Earpm. 1882–1929
Mattie Blaylockm. 1878–1881Urilla Sutherlandm. 1870–1870
Wyatt Earp/Wife

What happened Maddie Earp?

In the meantime, Wyatt was getting more and more involved with Josephine, who he would later marry. Finally, Mattie left California and moved to Globe, Arizona, where she returned to prostitution. On July 3, 1888, she took a lethal dose of laudanum in Pinal City, Arizona. Her death was ruled a suicide.

Where did Doc Holliday die?

The Hotel Glenwood Springs, Glenwood Springs, CO
Doc Holliday/Place of death

When did Doc Holliday get tuberculosis?

Historians agree that Doc’s health began to dramatically fail in about 1884. While working as a Faro dealer in Leadville, Colorado, he began to deteriorate into what is called stage 2 TB.

Does Wyatt Earp have any living relatives?

James R Earp is also a direct descendant of Wyatt Earp, the legendary lawman and deputy town sheriff from Tombstone who took part in the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral. “Wyatt is actually a cousin and while he died long before I was born, his legend has long shadowed my life,” he said.

What happened to Mattie Blaylock?

Mattie Blaylock – Wyatt Earp’s Common Law Wife. Mattie waited for Wyatt’s telegraph that she should return to Tombstone, but it never arrived. In the meantime, Wyatt was getting more and more involved with Josephine, who he would later marry. Finally, Mattie left California and moved to Globe, Arizona, where she returned to prostitution.

Was Mattie Blaylock married to Wyatt Wyatt?

Mattie Blaylock may have met Wyatt between 1871 and 1873. She continued to work as a sex worker during their early years together. In the 1880 United States Census Blaylock is listed as Wyatt’s wife though there is no record of a legal marriage.

Was Mattie Blaylock married to Marcus Earp?

Of those three, there’s a “maybe” around Marcus, but it should come as no surprise that Mattie Blaylock, the woman usually described as the “second Mrs. Wyatt Earp,” had a history of prostitution. We aren’t sure when they met. No marriage record has been found ( so far ).

Who is Celie Blaylock?

Celia “Celie” Blaylock was born sometime in 1850 near Fairfax, Iowa to stern and religious parents. They were farmers and conservative Christians, who believed wholeheartedly in the principle, “spare the rod and spoil the child.” They were also adherents of the principle “children should be seen and not heard.”


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