What do you mean by precipitated?

What do you mean by precipitated?

1 : to cause to happen suddenly or unexpectedly The misunderstanding precipitated a quarrel. 2 : to change from a vapor to a liquid or solid and fall as rain or snow. 3 : to separate from a solution The procedure called for precipitating salt from seawater.

How do you use precipitated?

Precipitated sentence example

  1. The issue was precipitated by the news of the revolution in Turkey.
  2. The condemnation precipitated an exodus to Rome.
  3. The experiments of Tyndall upon precipitated clouds have been already referred to.
  4. His flight, however, only precipitated events.

What does precipitated pain mean?

adjective. having been brought on suddenly or prematurely:Pressure on the tender spot causes the patient to physically react to the precipitated pain by exclaiming or moving.

What is the meaning of disparagement?

disparage \dih-SPAIR-ij\ verb. 1 : to depreciate by indirect means (such as invidious comparison) : to speak slightingly about. 2 : to lower in rank or reputation : degrade.

How do you describe a precipitate?

In chemistry, a precipitate is an insoluble solid that emerges from a liquid solution. The emergence of the insoluble solid from solution is called precipitation. Often the precipitate emerges as a suspension. Precipitates can form when two soluble salts react in solution to form one or more insoluble products.

What is precipitate test?

When metal ions combine with the hydroxide ions (OH -) from either sodium hydroxide solution or ammonia solution, they form insoluble precipitates with characteristic colours. Method: dissolve a small quantity of the substance in water. place about 5cm 3 of the solution into a test tube.

What precipitated the event?

If something precipitates an event or situation, usually a bad one, it causes it to happen suddenly or sooner than normal. [formal] The killings in Vilnius have precipitated the worst crisis yet.

What is precipitation in psychology?

the particular factor, sometimes a traumatic or stressful experience, that is the immediate cause of a mental or physical disorder. A single precipitating event may turn a latent condition into the manifest form of the disorder.

What is the meaning of formation of precipitate?

Corrosionpedia Explains Precipitate Precipitation is the creation of a solid in a solution or inside another solid during a chemical reaction or by diffusion in a solid. When the reaction occurs in a liquid solution, the solid formed is called the precipitate.

What does precipitated mean in medical terms?

an insoluble substance separated from a solution in a concrete state by the action of some reagent added to the solution, or of some force, such as heat or cold. The precipitate may fall to the bottom (whence the name), may be diffused through the solution, or may float at or near the surface Etymology: [NL. praecipitatum: cf. F. prcipit.]

What is the science definition of precipitate?

In chemistry, to precipitate is to form an insoluble compound either by reacting two salts or by changing the temperature to affect the solubility of the compound. Also,​ the name given to the solid that is formed as a result of a precipitation reaction.

What is the definition of precipitation?

Meteorology a. Any form of water,such as rain,snow,sleet,or hail,that falls to the earth’s surface.

  • A hastening or acceleration,especially one that is sudden or unexpected: He is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise.
  • Abrupt or impulsive haste.
  • A headlong fall or rush.
  • What is a precipitate in chemistry?

    In chemistry,precipitate is both a verb and a noun.

  • To precipitate is to form an insoluble compound,either by decreasing the solubility of a compound or by reacting two salt solutions.
  • The solid that forms via a precipitation reaction is called the precipitate.
  • Precipitation reactions serve important functions.
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