What is a GPM weather?

What is a GPM weather?

Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) is a joint mission between JAXA and NASA as well as other international space agencies to make frequent (every 2–3 hours) observations of Earth’s precipitation.

What is GPM NASA?

The Global Precipitation Measurement mission is an international network of satellites that provide the next-generation global observations of rain and snow to advance our understanding of Earth’s water and energy cycle, improve forecasting of extreme events, and provide accurate and timely information to directly …

What is the purpose of the GPM mission?

How do satellites measure rainfall?

While ground-based instruments can directly measure or estimate how much precipitation falls to the ground, satellite instruments estimate the amount of electromagnetic radiation (or energy) that is emitted or reflected either from the tops of the clouds or from the rain droplets themselves, providing a top-down view.

What are the benefits of using GPM?

GPM provides global precipitation measurements with improved accuracy, coverage and dynamic range for studying precipitation characteristics. GPM also improves weather and precipitation forecasts through assimilation of instantaneous brightness temperatures and retrieved precipitation information.

What does GPM stand for?

GPM: Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) v6 Name Units Min Max Description HQobservationTime min. into half hour 0* 29* PMW source time HQprecipSource PMW source sensor identifier HQprecipitation mm/hr 0* 120* merged PMW precipitation

What is the GPM Core Observatory?

The GPM Core Observatory design is an extension of TRMM’s highly successful rain-sensing package, which focused primarily on heavy to moderate rain over tropical and subtropical oceans.

Where can I download high-resolution GPM imagery and video?

Download high-resolution GPM imagery and video from NASA Goddard’s Scientific Visualization Studio.


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