What is the message in John 3?

What is the message in John 3?

For many Christians, John 3:16 serves as a thesis statement of their faith: God sacrificed his son, Jesus, for the sins of humanity, and if you believe in him, your soul will be saved.

How can you know that someone is born again?

One and only ONE fact determines if a person is born again. If a person acknowledges that Jesus is Lord/God, that person has received the gift of faith to believe in the eternal truth about Jesus, and that Truth guarantees that person will never die spiritually.

Why did Jesus say you must be born again?

Our first birth brings us into a human family. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but spirit gives birth to Spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, You must be born again” (John 3:5-7). When Jesus said, “Flesh gives birth to flesh,” he was alluding to the idea of humans giving birth to humans.

How was Jesus baptized?

Jesus came to John the Baptist while he was baptising people in the River Jordan. As soon as Jesus was baptised, he came up out of the water. Heaven was opened and he saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. Then a voice said from heaven, “This is my own dear son with whom I am pleased.”

What does it means to be born again?

Born again, or to experience the new birth, is a phrase, particularly in evangelicalism, that refers to “spiritual rebirth”, or a regeneration of the human spirit. Individuals who profess to be “born again” (meaning in the “Holy Spirit”) often state that they have a “personal relationship with Jesus Christ”.

What is the difference between salvation and born again?

Being “born again” is a mistranslation of the Greek for being “born from above” and refers to water baptism. “Being saved” refers to a person who has died, and is judged by Our Blessed Lord as having died in His Love with no unforgiven mortal sin on his soul.

Why did Jesus choose to be baptized by John?

Jesus of Nazareth came to be baptized by John in order to, “fulfill all righteousness” as Jesus told him. One ceremony that every Christian should participate in is water baptism.

What is the difference between the baptism of John and the baptism of Jesus?

The baptism of John was a baptism of repentance. It was to prepare people to receive the king. The baptism of Jesus was to welcome people into the new kingdom after they had received the king.



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